Friday, September 18, 2009

Sooooo much to show today:-)

My day began with an last minute audition for Dove...I'm in a hurry so why don't you come along?

This is the casting office of a woman named Shane. I haven't gone for two audition at the same office since I've started the blog!

I signed in and sat down with the other women waiting to audition for the role of a casual bride...

Here's the dress that I wore for the Dove audition. I decided it was a beach wedding:-) The outfit was on for exactly 1 hour because I had to run home and change for my next audition!

This is ANOTHER casting office run by Kris & Jodi. I was auditioning for the role of a casual shopper for Home Depot so the dress was too much. For the audition, I had to talk about my life on camera, so I talked about my sisters & brothers!

Here's the casual shopper outfit. Pink was MY color today!

This is where we wait for our turn to audition at this office. There were 3 auditions at this office today so it was packed. The audition rooms are way in the back down the hallway where the girl with the green striped shirt is standing.


Per Kasey's request, I stopped by some memories of her time in Los is very difficult to take photos of places on busy streets but I did my best...

When I first moved to Los Angeles, Kasey told me to go to {drum roll please} MOLLY Malone's, a local hangout. Today I parked the car and got up close just for you, Miss Mols!

Notice the Irish and the American flags proudly displayed not once but twice:-)

I loved this sign with Molly's name on it and the three leaf clover crest on the reminded me of Molly's Irish Stepdancing!

I think Kasey probably made some noise when she visited Molly Mallone's with her friends, don't you?

It was pretty dark inside but I did manage to get a faint image of inside for you, Kasey!

Then it was time to stop by Kasey's old church in Los Angeles, which happens to be Auntie Beth's church now....

We call the church St. Vibiana's for short, but the bishop would probably call it Cathedral Church...I think we parishioners like having a Saint's feels more blessed!

The front of St. V''s not a very large church but the 10 a.m. mass on Sunday has great music with a church choir...Sister Joan teaches the religion friend Bridget received her confirmation here in April---Auntie Beth was Bridget's sponsor...
Now it was time to head to Kasey's old neighborhood...

When you travel down the street from St. Vibiana's, you hit the intersection for San Vicente Blvd, the street where Kasey lived in Los Angeles. I followed the car taking a right turn onto San Vicente...

and we climb the pretty hill...

finally arriving at the corner where Kasey's Villa Vicente complex begins!

the complex has several gates where you can enter...but I liked this gate the best:-)
There is a brief glimpse into your Mom before she had you kids!!!
I thought I was done with photos for the day but you must celebrate with me. I did a spring cleaning for 6 hours tonight-CRAZY!!!
if you take the back stairs down to the first floor...
and go out the back door...

you find the stairs down to the laundry room...

where we have one, yes one, washer and dryer for the whole building...I did 7 loads of laundry tonight...Harold, my laundry pile, is gone! All my clothes are now put away or hung up, and I recycled 150 magazines and shredded tons of old documents...I was on a roll...

sooo here is my very clean loveseat now...and the final missing view of my apartment...the back of my front door which I call my wall of inspiration....if you've ever written me a kind note, it's probably there...

So very proud of my clean bedroom...fresh sheets, bed made...go adulthood!

see, no more Harold on the floor...laundry is done done done...

...proving that I'm not just hiding Harold in my closet:-) This is the new EMPTY laundry bucket I bought at Target yesterday...
My apartment is so clean...I rock...totally, for serious...
I love you lots, and miss you more-
oxxoAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

1 comment:

  1. You are the BEST blogger - I loved every minute of this post - even the missing laundry pile pictures!I miss my church- BTW - we called it Cathedral Chapel because it was named for a church in Rome with that nickname. Molly Malones....awwww - such fond memories - and to think that I had no idea that I would have a daughter named Molly a mere 2 1/2 years after returning from LA! Thanks for the walk down memory lane and the pictures of your auditions - sounds like you are cranking them out! You are awesome! I love you!
