Thursday, September 17, 2009

2 Posts, so keep reading...

I got the call today at 10:30 am that I was either 1st or 2nd choice for the US Bank 6:30 pm, I found out I was 2nd choice so I did not get the job...

but onward and upward...let's go on another audition with Auntie Beth, shall we?

This is the office building of one of the top casting directors in Los Angeles, Francene.
This is the back office where actors cannot go! These office workers use their computers to look at over 1000 photos of women like me, then they pick 50-80 to invite to the audition. Today I auditioned for Target.

This is David whom I just met today. He played my husband in the commercial audition. When we audition, we do & say the same things they will do in the actual commercial on tv.
After an audition, they pick the best 15 actors to callback...then at the callback, they pick their top 2 actors for each role...finally, they pick their first choice...
See the Allstate blue sign on the top floor of this building? In 2005, that was my tax office when I was still working for my old boss. I spent alot of time on tax letters there!!!

Here is my favorite restaurant ever...a little italian place Miceli's...I took KK & Meg there when they visited! The restaurant has a piano and all the servers must sing very well. They sing while you eat, lots of broadway show tunes!!!
This is the main building for the NBC/Universal offices in Universal City. Universal City has a citywalk for food & games...then there are business offices for movie makers...finally, it has fun rides featuring characters like Shrek, Bart Simpson and the Jurassic Park dinosaurs...
Next I went shopping...this is the West Hollywood Gateway, and it is fabulous...there is a Starbucks, a Target, a Best Buy and several eateries...look how sunny it was outside!
When Target does not have everything you want, it's time to head to KMart...which I 100 degree hot hot!
Finally, I got to the post office seconds before closing time...Annie likes to get mail so Auntie Beth sent some:-)
This is my friend Michael. When I first moved to Los Angeles, he was a postal teller. Now he is the finiancial supervisor of the branch...Go Michael!!!
Keep reading below for the 2nd update of the day...
I love you lots, miss you more-
xoxoAuntie Beth/ Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

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