Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Best Friend in Los Angeles, Miss Bridget...and the Snuggalicious Daphers!

This is my friend Bridget who is also an actress & a tax preparer. Other than the additional fact that we get along, our similarities probably end there...but we understand the unique challenges of each career and how these two careers can conflict, so we need each other desperately when noone else understands.
Tonight we had my late birthday dinner at Senor Fred's (Bridget's VERY late birthday dinner is next!). Yep, Bridget treated me to some yummy Mexican food and to some much needed catch up time. Just like Auntie Meg, Bridget is planning her wedding....except that Bridget is getting married in February in South Africa...that's 30 hours of travelling time away for the children who are counting...
When I dropped Bridget off at her house after dinner, I popped in to get some shots for the blog...and although I told Bridget about our family's propensity to post makeupless grungy photos, she still wanted a disclaimer as to her caliber of camera worthiness tonight...but I ask, who wouldn't be happy to look like Bridget without makeup? I digress...
When Bridget and I worked at the tax office together, Daphne would come to work everyday. Intrigued by her skittering in & out of my room, I eventually learned to bribe Daphne for her affections with food...after 6 years, I'm happy to say that Daphne now gives me her love freely...although she's not above a good bribe now & then:-)
xooxAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

1 comment:

  1. Happy to meet Bridget - she is not at all how I pictured her! The kids love the blog and although Bob and I were impressed with the set of House - the kids were asking for Hannah Montana. Can't wait to check in on you at night! We love and miss you!

    Kasey and crew
