Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Tax Client, Friend and Pilates Teacher, Marcy

Every Wednesday night and Saturday afternoon, I go to my pilates class taught by my good friend Marcy. It's kind of like a dance class or playing a's my favorite form of exercise to make my body healthy & strong.
Marcy and I met when we worked at the casting office of the tv show "CSI" 3 years ago. We both volunteered once a week to see how actors get parts on a tv show....but once we started chatting a bit, there was much more to discuss!!! Eventually, Marcy asked me to be her tax chick and I asked her to be my fitness coach. When I got really sick with my tummy a few years ago, my doctor said I recovered more quickly than expected because I had worked with Marcy on my strength for the 6 months beforehand. Yeahhhhh, Marcy:-)
This Saturday, Marcy is going to Ireland to build houses for poor people with Habitat for Humanity. Auntie Leenie & Uncle Pete (Grammy & Papa) and I donated money so that Marcy could buy supplies for these houses. Thanks to God & all the people who love her, Marcy raised enough money to reach her goal of $2500. Marcy is very spiritual so she would definitely put God first and foremost as the source of her success on this project...because in the end, God brought all the people who love her into her life, right?
After class tonight, I asked Marcy to pose for a quick photo...she tried to say she was a wreck, but eventually gave in...I love Marcy!!!

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