Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Memories from my recent CT Trip...

Auntie Beth had a rough tummy day as she apparently was not fully recovered from the bug from the not much to report...but that means I can go backwards!!!
On the Wednesday night of the week I was home, Meg, KK, Kasey, Lisa & I met at On the Border for some girl time...I hadn't seen Auntie Lisa in a long time so it was long overdue...we ate great Mexican food-is this a theme with my dinners with friends?-and there were a few margueritas and Corona beers on the table...we also celebrated Auntie KK's new teaching job which I hear is going very very well...
A waitress was nice enough to take our group photo and may I say we are fabulous? :-) Of course, I also needed a photo with Auntie Lisa because we don't see each other nearly enough...she may even let me take Ella for a playdate next time I'm home if I'm really good!
xoxoAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS


  1. Love the blog - I really like knowing that there will be something new each day - a little tidbit from my cousin! Love and Miss you!

  2. Beth I love the blog! It's nice to see your life out in CA! We miss you very much and can't wait to get together again SOON!!!!
