Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Money Seminar, My Friend Robert and Arclight Cinemas

Today I was running to the bank and post office, doing my money seminar homework, and getting my tax work done. The deadline for tax papers is October 15th but I need to leave for Auntie Meg's wedding on October 7th, so I'm hurrying everyone up-lots of work to do in less time-it's yucky...
Tonight I had my seminar about money...and I forgot to take photos! There are 85 people in my class but we each belong to a smaller group...my group is Patrick, Kim, Philip, Olivier & me...
After class, I met my friend Robert for a midnight movie at Arclight Cinemas...

This is Robert...we met at Landmark Education 7 years ago (where I went for class tonight), and he is one of the L.A. loves of my life...he is definitely my late night movie buddy, and we giggle alot whenever we are together-Robert just "gets" me!!!
This is the Arclight Cinemas...the big white half golfball is the Dome, an historical landmark that they restored and reopened in 2002...it seats over 950 people...alas, you cannot take photos inside the theater...blah!
Trying to give you an idea of the size of the lobby...the Arclight is more upscale than the Grove because you reserve & purchase exact seat assignments...and you pay more:-) There is also a full restaurant in the lobby and one theater next to the bar designated over 21/alcohol-permitted...
This is the very cool board that displays all the movies and times available...it's mesmerizing in person...the Arclight lobby is far less chaotic than the Grove because it attracts a more laidback crowd, willing to pay for comfort and ease...
Yes, they have their own gift shop...for serious...

Here's a closer view...I got my "soccer moms rock" t-shirt here...

Auntie Beth all alone in California...but wait...

Robert gives me a big unexpected smooch goodnight...lucky girl!!!
I love you lots, and miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

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