Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Tuesday...I'm a day behind with my photos already!!!

This is my friend Kristin Anderson. Auntie Lisa & Auntie Kasey and I all went to Mercy High School with her! We walked to Antonio's on Melrose for a late lunch and margaritas. Kristin was great about letting me take a photo. She said "I never wear makeup anyway!". I took this photo before we meandered back to my house...such a beautiful day outside and such a good time with a friend!

This is my girl, Persephone. She is a betta fish which is also called a Japanese fighting fish. Most betta females are greyish but Persephone is special:-)

This is Ivy. She gets a tad annoyed with how hot & dry it is in California---it was 100 degrees today!--so I have to water her often. I used to forget alot, but I remember more often now that I bought my Hello Kitty watering can.
This is my tax office area in the kitchen...notice the many photos of you kids on the wall...and there is my green Hello Kitty watering can on top of the wood cabinet on the left!

Moving around to the other area of the kitchen-it's hard to take a picture in here-here's my fridge with MORE photos of you kids...and there's the lantern Molly made me hanging down on the left top corner of the photo...

I know you guys love me no matter remember, Auntie Beth is an adult and lives alone...and if I waited until the apartment was perfectly clean to take photos, it would probably never here's my kitchen sink area, with all my diet coke and water bottles piling up-go adulthood!!!

Another room which is hard to photograph is the bathroom...but here's where I pretty up...the walls are sky blue like the bedroom...I tried to make everything in the bathroom blue or yellow, but the bath petals & lotions in pink didn't fit anywhere else!

This is the door to the bathroom and if you look closely, you can see the streaks where Auntie Beth got hair dye on the door...try as I might to wipe it off, it is now part of my apartment for good! I add at least 2 or 3 spots every time I dye my hair now...but the red is worth it:-)

This is my not be like Auntie Beth in this area...the bed is not made, the clothes to the left of the door are waiting to go to Goodwill...and Harold, my laundry pile, is on the right side of the photo...go adulthood!!!

and finally, the loveseat which I seem to use as a wardrobe sorting rack...that's the new phonebook in the orange bag---in my defense, it did just arrive that day...and then there's the clean laundry in the mesh bag that has waited patiently to be folded and put away since July 28th, the day I flew to CT to visit...again in my defense, it's only workout clothes...go adulthood!!!
I love you lots, and miss you more...
xooxoxAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

1 comment:

  1. WOW - love this post and all of the Auntie Beth details about life! I am especially amazed by your work area because you do SO much there - I assumed you had a whole other room for an office - you rock!I love you and truly think that your apartment can fit all of the H_W's when we come to visit!
