Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hair is Tough For An Actor-June 25th

I had a career consultation and one of the suggestions from my gal was that I consider making my haircut softer when I style it. I tend to push my hair off my face and without bangs my forehead is a bit high and lengthens my face. Truth be told, I was already really annoyed by my haircut. The bob was cute but definitely did not reflect "me"...I cut my hair off last week...but I found these older photos in my camera from when I was trying to figure out how to solve what I affectionately referred to as my "forehead problem".
Yeah, it would take a miracle to keep my hair in this position above all day long...and it would of course fall in my eyes. I could handle that for about 5 seconds in the name of beauty.

and as soon as we move the hair enough to the side to avoid vision issues, we have the forehead problem again:-)
I personally like this way of wearing the style the best, with the side blown forward...but it's exactly like it was at Meg and Tim's wedding, and would not survive any wear and tear beyond a special occasion.
I kept trying though...I did not want to admit defeat. Having to try so hard should probably have given me a clue that it took too much effort to maintain.

Yeah, just because you mess up the hair and have strands sticking out everywhere does not mean it is better in hiding the forehead problem.
Alas, I think I knew I was going to cut it off in frustration eventually, so I took a photo of my fave part of style, and why I kept it around for 14 months of problems...doesn't it look cool? Yeah, I still cut it all off...
Who knew an acting career could require such tedious girlie concerns? UGH!
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

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