Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Birthday on August 4th in Los Angeles

This is the first year I spent my birthday in Los Angeles in over 5 years, and probably the last time I ever will given that Lila and Brendan now share the 3rd with everyone...but I had planned my trip to CT for two weeks at the end of August in case those babies decided to wait to pop out...
Mommy was, as always, stellar at making me feel special on a "holiday" we spent apart. She sent me a care package with 4 different outfits, one dress---pictured above--and a tiara to wear on my big day...
Here's my best beauty queen, Princess of Genovia wave...

I stopped by Ben's house to tuck him into bed before I went out for dinner with Bridget...he really was happy to see me but for some reason, he was REALLY not in a picture mood...which is weird because he usually indulges me if I beg for one good smile...
I kind of got a small smile out of Ben because of his stuffed animals which he immediately turned his gaze toward, thus giving me a halfsmile while not looking into the camera...yeah, every effort can't be a winner:-P
I had an awesome birthday, made even more awesome by the birth of Lila & Brendan the day before complete with their photo in front of sign wishing me a Happy Birthday. Life is good!
I love you lots and I miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

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