Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lisa & Adam's wedding reception Sunday June 13th

On a gorgeous Sunday in June in a very posh part of Los Angeles, my friend Lisa had her wedding reception. Lisa & Adam had already gotten married back in March in a small ceremony so Lisa's ailing Grandmother could attend.
Auntie Beth had no idea what to wear & how to prettify herself because she definitely does not have 98 cool dresses like Auntie KK.

Lisa & Adam's invitation to the reception. They included Clyde the Cat as family on the invite because Adam raised Clyde since he was a kitten 14 years ago.

Doesn't Lisa look gorgeous in her wedding veil? She's got beautiful dark hair like our Miss Molly!

Here's the dress I finally settled on for the reception. I felt very girlie and did my best to style my hair and put on the makeup to match!
Here's a close up of my final product just before I entered the estate neighborhood where the house for the reception was located...I did say it was posh!

Here is the new manicure/pedicure I got just before the celebration. The flower on my big toe is a plumeria like the flower from Hawaii. I had to fight with the woman so she didn't put any sparklies or bedazzlings on my toe...she really did not want me to keep it simple! I also don't sit still very well.
It's much more impressive in person, but here is the gate you have to go through to get into the neighborhood for the reception. There is 24 hour guard service and they take photos of your license plate coming and going and check your ID.

That big gate is thick wrought iron and you would kill your car if you tried to drive through it, promise!

Auntie Beth had so much fun she forgot to take photos during the actual party, but here are the reception favors...Lisa's Grandmother loved butterflies so the placecards for our table were in butterfly frames, and we all got chocolate butterflies to take home as well--well the body in gold was chocolate, the wings were just cardboard...
The reception was on a clifftop overlooking the water---with quite a bit of breeze-total craziness with hair whippin everywhere...
The home belonged to Adam's parents who threw quite a bash with a huge fruit bar, mimosa bar, chocolate bar, omelet stations, barbeque station, salad station--and some food I know I'm forgetting.
There was also a cool area just for the kids, with juiceboxes & minibags of cheetos and doritos.
There was oa gorgeous dance floor underneath an open air tent.
AND a temporaray tattoo artist for everyone to use! I chose this tattoo from disney and...

...a flower tattoo where Auntie Meg has hers, on the back of my neck. It was fun to pretend for a few days!
The day was alot of fun and it's always nice to celebrate love. I am now only 2 months and 3 days behind with this blog...ughhhhhhh:-P
I love you lots and I miss you more-
Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

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