Saturday, March 27, 2010

St. Patrick's Day fiesta and a late St. Paddy's Dinner with the Grimm family

Auntie Beth had all sorts of great things to wear on St. Patrick's Day...

Here I am on March 17th, holding the St. Paddy's Day card from the H-W family, wearing the shamrock shorts KK gave me last year, wearing the shirt Mommy sent me in her 2010 St. Patrick's Day package---THANK YOU AGAIN, MOM!---sporting the shamrock antennae from Mom's 2008 St. Patrick's Day package, standing with Mom's St. Paddy's Day card on the shelf over my was a big Ireland celebration day over here in Cali...even though we weren't all together, I thought of my big Irish family the whole day!!!

I stopped over at the Grimm house for a late St. Paddy's Day dinner of corned beef and cabbage on Sunday March 21st---Randal was on set all day on the actual St. Patrick's Day so we waited to celebrate as a CA family:-) This is Ben taking his medicine...apparently it taste so good he automatically opens his mouth whenever Mom says it's medicine time!

Ben is now getting the hang of throwing around his big Tigger and friends bouncy ball...he caught on quicker than most kids to the concept of playing "catch" and has pretty good coordination for his age if I do say so myself...
Ben was not quite willing to give up the ball yet, so I waited...

but his attention quickly switched to our game of "where is Ben" which has now morphed into Auntie Beth's back being a junglegym...Ben is going to wrestle in high school, mark my words!

Ben grabs onto my neck and I "realize" he's there and fall forward so he gets picked up off the ground...never ceases to amuse him so I'm happy!

There is always a 2nd and 3rd round of "wait Auntie Beth, I'm back here again" so our playtime is much fun:-)
Ben uses sign language for more than 10 words, which of course includes my favorite for "more"...I'm sure there are more but I've only seen 10--his parents purposefully work signing into his life so it's very cool...such a smart little man!
I love you lots and I miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Beppy/Bethie GBAKYS

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