Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Auntie Beth Being...Auntie Beth.

Hello, My Loves!!! I know I've been very distracted and not at all fun, so I thought I'd have an H-W dance party in my living room, without the H-W kids...not quite the same, but I tried...it was at 1 am, far after you kids should all be in bed of course...and Auntie Beth had just dyed her hair and eyebrows again...this time the color is #16 spiced tea because it's what was in my closet...

A little Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift dance time for Auntie Beth...

and a face especially for Peter...

My right arm is still a train wreck but thought an update was in order...all these photos are less than an hour old...hot off the presses!

A little fashion show of the new hair color and how well my soft hair swings and sways now...

oh isn't Auntie Beth sooooo shy...but wait...

nope, she's just a rock star dancing to the groove...hey, I may not be Miley Cyrus but Miley Cyrus will never be me...and being me is pretty cool:-)
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
oxoxAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

1 comment:

  1. I just wrote a long comment and it got deleted - blah! We can't wait for you to participate in H-W dance parties in person! Black Eyed Peas in a new favorite of Annies but tonight it was Wild Rover after school and Turah Lurah in the car on the way to the doctor. Molly likes the hair flip - very LA so she is going to try it! We are all saving up our pennies for a trip out to LA so watch out! We love you!
