Saturday, March 27, 2010

Molly Dolly!!!

Auntie Beth got a very important call today from Miss was so important that when I listened to her voicemail message, I asked my tax client if she could wait while I called my niece right back...
Molly asked me if I would answer some questions for her Girl Scout/Brownies project-how cool is that??????

Molly, you had me thinking alot about what I like and don't like...I didn't even know what my favorite flower was when you asked...thank you for including me & reminding me about all the things I love, including you:-)
My tax client had to wait for me to get off the phone then had to wait for another 5 minutes while I went on and on about my niece Molly...

But then my client took some time to ask me to see photos of you, Molly, because she says you must be wonderful to have Auntie Beth smiling so much after we talk on the phone!!! I told her to just look up because there are all sorts of photos of my nieces and nephews on my desk and fridge...but I also let her have a sneak peek at the H-W blog for a recent Molly photo:-)

Thank you for being my sunshine, Molly!

I love you so much. ox Auntie Beth

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for answering my questions, Auntie Beth. That was fun but it made me miss you some more. We keep looking for your commercial and I told my friends to look but I didn't see it yet. Mommy keeps checking the website for punchbuggy ads and stuff - I'm going to see you in 27 days. I miss you and love you and am going to get you your favorite flowere some day!
