Monday, March 15, 2010

Auntie Beth is Here!

First, updates on the punchbuggy bruise...these three were taken on Sunday, March 7th roughly 4 full days after the actual punching took place on set...isn't it pretty????

This next photo was taken on early Sunday morning March 9th, about 5.5 days after the punching...I prefer reds and purples to yellows and greens actually...yuck:-P

Not to be outdone, the woman who took my blood at the doctor's office and professes to have over 5 years daily experience at it, did this to me in the photo below...and it's the SAME arm...I'm getting even more questions now!

Auntie Beth is working like crazy so that she can visit CT in 38 short days with money for her Molly & Me BBF weekend and all taxwork done! There hasn't been alot of extra time to take photos...or to do anything but tax papers...

I'm sooo tired...but happy!

I love you lots, and I miss you more-

xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

ps I just blogged at 6 am, just before I climbed under the covers for 4 hours, so Kasey's guilt worked:-)

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing wrong with a little irish Catholic Guilt - especailly around St. Paddy's Day! We are glad for the updates - we miss you like crazy. Molly thinks you should ask Lurene and Randall if you can bring Ben home for BFF weekend so we can all love him up. It sounded good until I thought about one of my kids leaving me for days at a time! Maybe when he is older! We can't wait to see you in April - we love you!
