Monday, March 29, 2010

My Volkswagen Commercial is on youtube!!!

Just click on the link below to see Auntie Beth on tv!

(updated link on April 2nd-video was removed and relocated to new youtube address!)

I love you lots, and I miss you more-

oxoxAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Molly Dolly!!!

Auntie Beth got a very important call today from Miss was so important that when I listened to her voicemail message, I asked my tax client if she could wait while I called my niece right back...
Molly asked me if I would answer some questions for her Girl Scout/Brownies project-how cool is that??????

Molly, you had me thinking alot about what I like and don't like...I didn't even know what my favorite flower was when you asked...thank you for including me & reminding me about all the things I love, including you:-)
My tax client had to wait for me to get off the phone then had to wait for another 5 minutes while I went on and on about my niece Molly...

But then my client took some time to ask me to see photos of you, Molly, because she says you must be wonderful to have Auntie Beth smiling so much after we talk on the phone!!! I told her to just look up because there are all sorts of photos of my nieces and nephews on my desk and fridge...but I also let her have a sneak peek at the H-W blog for a recent Molly photo:-)

Thank you for being my sunshine, Molly!

I love you so much. ox Auntie Beth

St. Patrick's Day fiesta and a late St. Paddy's Dinner with the Grimm family

Auntie Beth had all sorts of great things to wear on St. Patrick's Day...

Here I am on March 17th, holding the St. Paddy's Day card from the H-W family, wearing the shamrock shorts KK gave me last year, wearing the shirt Mommy sent me in her 2010 St. Patrick's Day package---THANK YOU AGAIN, MOM!---sporting the shamrock antennae from Mom's 2008 St. Patrick's Day package, standing with Mom's St. Paddy's Day card on the shelf over my was a big Ireland celebration day over here in Cali...even though we weren't all together, I thought of my big Irish family the whole day!!!

I stopped over at the Grimm house for a late St. Paddy's Day dinner of corned beef and cabbage on Sunday March 21st---Randal was on set all day on the actual St. Patrick's Day so we waited to celebrate as a CA family:-) This is Ben taking his medicine...apparently it taste so good he automatically opens his mouth whenever Mom says it's medicine time!

Ben is now getting the hang of throwing around his big Tigger and friends bouncy ball...he caught on quicker than most kids to the concept of playing "catch" and has pretty good coordination for his age if I do say so myself...
Ben was not quite willing to give up the ball yet, so I waited...

but his attention quickly switched to our game of "where is Ben" which has now morphed into Auntie Beth's back being a junglegym...Ben is going to wrestle in high school, mark my words!

Ben grabs onto my neck and I "realize" he's there and fall forward so he gets picked up off the ground...never ceases to amuse him so I'm happy!

There is always a 2nd and 3rd round of "wait Auntie Beth, I'm back here again" so our playtime is much fun:-)
Ben uses sign language for more than 10 words, which of course includes my favorite for "more"...I'm sure there are more but I've only seen 10--his parents purposefully work signing into his life so it's very cool...such a smart little man!
I love you lots and I miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Beppy/Bethie GBAKYS

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Earthquake at 4:01 am...

Just had to jump back on the computer and let you know that Auntie Beth just felt her first earthquake in a my 10 years in LA, I can probably count the number of earthquakes I've noticed on my 10 fingers...kinda off to sleep...and I'm fine...just a little swishing of the furniture, no biggie...ox

Auntie Beth Being...Auntie Beth.

Hello, My Loves!!! I know I've been very distracted and not at all fun, so I thought I'd have an H-W dance party in my living room, without the H-W kids...not quite the same, but I was at 1 am, far after you kids should all be in bed of course...and Auntie Beth had just dyed her hair and eyebrows again...this time the color is #16 spiced tea because it's what was in my closet...

A little Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift dance time for Auntie Beth...

and a face especially for Peter...

My right arm is still a train wreck but thought an update was in order...all these photos are less than an hour off the presses!

A little fashion show of the new hair color and how well my soft hair swings and sways now...

oh isn't Auntie Beth sooooo shy...but wait...

nope, she's just a rock star dancing to the groove...hey, I may not be Miley Cyrus but Miley Cyrus will never be me...and being me is pretty cool:-)
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
oxoxAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Monday, March 15, 2010

Auntie Beth is Here!

First, updates on the punchbuggy bruise...these three were taken on Sunday, March 7th roughly 4 full days after the actual punching took place on set...isn't it pretty????

This next photo was taken on early Sunday morning March 9th, about 5.5 days after the punching...I prefer reds and purples to yellows and greens actually...yuck:-P

Not to be outdone, the woman who took my blood at the doctor's office and professes to have over 5 years daily experience at it, did this to me in the photo below...and it's the SAME arm...I'm getting even more questions now!

Auntie Beth is working like crazy so that she can visit CT in 38 short days with money for her Molly & Me BBF weekend and all taxwork done! There hasn't been alot of extra time to take photos...or to do anything but tax papers...

I'm sooo tired...but happy!

I love you lots, and I miss you more-

xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

ps I just blogged at 6 am, just before I climbed under the covers for 4 hours, so Kasey's guilt worked:-)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Bruise Two Days Later...And Auntie Beth at her Tax Desk:-)

Auntie Beth spends much time on her computer, especially during this busy time of tax here's me doing what I do:-)
My desk, computer and shelves are in front of me, the stove which I never use (no really, I mean NEVER) and the sink are over one shoulder, and the window is right next to my other shoulder...boxed into a little tax corner!

Approximately 48 hours after a wee little girl beat the heck out of me, the bruise got prettier...we've got all sorts of colors of the rainbow going on! The bruise goes well with the multiple colored tax folders behind me available to the clients of Beth Lynn Kelly, Tax Chick...
Again, I gotta say that it looks much worse in person...I have started to hide it more because it freaks alot of people out...I finally got sick of saying that noone is hurting me, that it was just for a's been cold in Los Angeles these past few days so I prefer to snuggle up in a long sleeve fleece anyway:-)
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppie GBAKYS

VW bruiser--the next day...

Auntie Beth shot her car spot last Thursday and got more than she bargained for! A really great gal named Jama had to hit me in the arm over 20 times...she is tiny so she had to wind up to get a good swing in, and this is the result...these photos were taken on Friday, 24 hours after the shoot...yes Molly, I suffer for my art just like you and your sore ankles:-)
Forgive the bra...Auntie TayTay may recognize it as one of her castoffs:-)

And a closer tax table with my scheduling calendar & office supplies can be seen in the're getting a glimpse into Auntie Beth's acting career AND her tax career all in the same photo!
I wish I could say these photos make it look worse than it is, but in person it is far more the very least, it is a great conversation starter whenever anyone catches a glimpse:-P
More photos of bruise progression over the past few days to come...but rest assured, I still cannot wear short sleeves without causing lots of unwanted attention, 4 days later!
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
oxoxAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

My February 21st playdate with Ben, and My Eyebrow is Healing....

I know you were hoping to get the photos of my very bruised right arm from my commercial shoot, but I have back blogs to get to first...I haven't seen Ben in 2 weeks because of the end of February tax rush, so these photos are two weeks old...but have no fear because we are seeing each other tomorrow...finally!!!
Auntie Beth was on her way to Ben's house, with laundry in tow because he has his own washer dryer:-) You can see that the red spot where the doctor burned off the spot on my eyebrow is starting to fade...boy do I have a really long neck, by the way...

A different view...when I put makeup over it, you wouldn't know it was ever there:-)
This is my axe murderer face apparently...I've got some serious chipmunk nut storage cheeks going on around my mouth...better smile more!
This is my beloved Ben running away from me when I entered the house...ok, not so much running away from me as inspired by my arrival to play harder:-P

Mom asked for a kiss and Ben was trying to figure out if he would grace her with his presence...
but as soon as it's crib time, you bet that Mommy is his fave person around!

Of course, huggy bunny gave in and flung himself right into Mom's arms...took a whole 20 seconds, a new hold-out record:-)

Ben has started to dance, so here he was showing me his can't see Auntie Beth dancing like a crazy person behind the camera which is probably best.
yep, we even get the arms cute is my boy?????

Guess who wanted to take pictures? Anytime I take out my cellphone or my camera Ben becomes Mr. Grabby Hands...
Ben plopping down to rest after a strenuous dance session....sooo much energy...
I love to watch Ben try to figure out what goes where...he was trying to get something inside his sippycup...fascinating to watch his toddler mind work...

My cutiepie...Ben's Mom & Dad offered to take our photo but I always do it for us because we are usually alone and did not want to break tradition...Ben does not like to look at my camera when I take photos this way...and yet he loves to grab it!!!
and this is Ben's "I'm trying" smile, when he tries too hard and his eyes squinch can see my scar a little better in this photo...but a little bit of makeup does wonders:-)

I love to kiss my little angel...and he lets me...I dread the day when he won't let me be soooo mushy with him...dreadingggggggggggg it...
My next blog will include photos of the arm immediately after I shot the commercial...the blog after that will include photos of the arm 2 days looks worse which I did not think was possible!!!
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
oxAuntie Beth/ Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS