Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Here Ya Go, Miss Molly

Yes, it is 4:30 am, and yes I am still up researching tax issues, and yes I want to go to bed, but Molly has missed my blogging so I decided to take a fun break:-)

I am of course very behind in documenting my life...let's go back to Saturday January 23rd.

Here's Auntie Beth 10 days after the surgery above her eye...not too bad, huh? It does kinda look like someone took a car cigarette lighter to my eyebrow, but whatevs:-)

PLAYDATE WITH BEN...I've been lucky enough to spend the past 3 Saturdays with my Godson...alas, when the Upside Down Show is on, I cannot get his attention...but he sits still which makes picture taking easier...

I can always shower Ben with love and affection as he emotes based upon the brothers' activities on his fave Nick, Jr. show!
Auntie Beth announced that it was time for bed...and Ben decided that it was time for elephant snuggles...he loves this big stuffed toy...

I asked for a smile and I got one! The tv was off though, so I kinda cheated in getting his attention...
This was Ben's attempt at convincing me he could sleep in the living room..."see Auntie Beth, I'm already asleep, no need for my crib"...
Ben's room...he has two music machines in his crib...only one gives off enough light for his liking, but the other has better music so he turns both on...

How cute is my Godson????? I can't get enough of him...tax season is gonna make it rough to see him every week but I'm gonna work on it!!!
Molly-you asked for it and you got it...a blog just for you...and did your mom tell you about your special visitor for a weekend in April? Better clean your room for me:-) Yes, I'm still coming to CT in May for your recital too...you are gonna get sick of me!
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
xo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Auntie beth! I lvoed the blog and ben. miss and love you . i can't wait for April. molly
