Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Wednesday...and our visit to Buckland Mall right after Christmas

I just got back from a screening of Avatar in 3D. I saw it with my friend and old neighbor Kevin in the Arclight Dome. Then we went to Kitchen 24 to have breakfast for dinner...that is always a good time:-)
Tomorrow, Auntie Beth has to register for a casting service and have the beauty mark on her eyebrow melted off...yes, melted off...I did not have the courage to ask how they do it! I will be fine, promise:-)

Julia and I had our day on December 30th...we had lunch at Ming Dynasty by ourselves and then Julia asked if we could pick up Annie for the mall...Auntie Beth did not get any photos of Build-A-Bear because she was busy helping make stuffed animal decisions, but on the way out of the store we spotted some fun-the Christmas Train was still running!

Julia and Annie wanted to bring Frosty and Goldie, their new Build-a-Bears, on the ride...this is what I got when I asked Annie to smile...Julia is trying to get her to smile "for real":-)

Julia, smart cookie that she is, gave up and let Annie do her squishy face thing and made sure she smiled for Auntie Beth:-)

OK Annie is on the left going backwards, Julia is on the right...look for the blond or light brown hair...the girls were very excited for the ride, and even asked if two dollars was very expensive...bless their hearts!
What you can't see is that Annie had a racecar shopping cart for around the mall that Julia and I took turns pushing her...so Annie was all decked out!
Julia was so cute, waving every time she went by...Annie was a bit distracted by all the sights and of course chatting with Julia in their little box car...

Annie finally noticed me on the 8th time around, when Julia had finally gotten sick of waving...or got interested in the JC Penney's sales...maybe Julia's got a bit of that shopping gene in her;-)

Our finally destination-back to Auntie Beth waiting with the 2 Build-A-Bear boxes, shopping bags, jackets, scarves all shoved into a racingcar shopping cart...I looked like I had at least 4 kids with me, not 2!
So we headed over to Friendly's for our icecream, and there was the playground in the center of the mall...Annie almost jumped out of her skin when she saw all these new kids playing on cool stuff...and Julia thought it would be a very exciting idea to try the stuff out...sooooo nice when both kids are in agreement on what to do next! The flash was getting all weird so these shots are very dark...but this is Annie & Julia in the boat...they really enjoyed each other that day:-)
Julia chose to play on the more advanced parts of the playground so it was hard to get her photo...too many big kids blocking my view...but Annie was a whole 'nother thing...at first, Annie just milled around and watched other kids, I swear she was assessing size and strength...
Once Annie got going, she was unstoppable...pushing right through the hollow log fearlessly...
I almost jumped in when a few big kids ran past Annie to use the toy she was headed for, or brushed past her without noticing her...but I thought I might do Annie a disservice by not letting her learn that sometimes you have to act fast to get what you want...if any of the kids had actually touched her, I'd have gone nuts of course:-)
Annie walking on the raft...she was checking out all the other kids and didn't look once in 7 minutes to see where I was...I love her trust that I am right there for her...because once she was ready to go, she scanned the crowd quickly to find me:-)
I've never really seen Annie timid before, except when she does her "shy" around people thing...but this was different...I realized it's because Annie did not know ANY of these kids...not siblings or cousins, just kids her own age sharing the toys...I think it surprised her a bit...
Julia came back to us from the bigger kid area and we went off Friendly's where icecream was had by all...a very good day indeed!
Thanks Julia for sharing your day with Annie, and for letting me spend time with you...our fancy lunch as you called it was awesome, and my first trip to Build-A-Bear was fun...you were so good with Annie!
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
xoxoAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

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