Monday, January 11, 2010

My CT trip...funny photos...

Unlike Kasey, Auntie Beth does not tend to take out the camera when you guys are looking particularly cute, or doing adorable things...I only remember the camera when I want to capture silly little events we have when we are together:-)

The minute my camera case fell out of my bag in the car on the way to Auntie Kake's, Annie was in gimme gimme gimme I took the camera out, asked her to pose and this is what she gave me...GIMMEEEEE the Camera, Auntie Beth:-)

So we went into Auntie Kake's office at Amazing Grace to await her return-my Mom had run out for a pickup-and Annie was convinced that she alone could capture our adventures together...I got a bit too close here...but not bad centering for a child who held her eye flat against the digital screen...Annie would not, no matter how hard I tried look at the screen to see what she was photographing...I think she secretly liked to close one eye and look professional!

Annie's next attempt...I only show it because she was adamant that she wanted a picture of the dek drawers and she got it spot on!

As soon as Auntie Kake got back, the phone started ringing...Annie sat on Auntie Kake's lap very patiently, all the while playing with Auntie Kake's glasses...

I was mesmerized by Annie pushing the glasses farther up and farther down her nose, looking at every corner of the room, seemingly unbothered by how blurry it must've been for instinct to take them off, just good ol' fun for her whatever way it turned precious, my Annie:-)

But don't worry, once Auntie Kake got off the phone, the glasses were forgotten so there wasn't any damage to Annie's 7 minutes, I would've hidden them from her anyway:-)

Annie has found the Christmas M&Ms! In all fairnss, Annie was offered the candy first so her focus was understandable...our visit to Amazing Grace was on December 22nd, but it feels like just last week...missing Annieboo dreadfully...and jealous of her new Dora big girl bed!
As for the present day, I had a great seminar tonight called "Living an invented life:My Life, My Design"'s about how many people let life happen rather than planning a really exciting and beautiful life...I have created my life so I can get to CT alot and I love it...but there are areas of my life that I do not set up the way I want them to go...then they go whichever way life circumstances take me...not inspiring AT ALL...sorry Moms, some words and concepts to explain there to the kiddies:-)
I love you lots and I miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

1 comment:

  1. I miss you alot. I like the pictures of Annie in the glasses. XOXOX Molly
