Friday, December 11, 2009

Auntie Shannon's Visit

What a week! I'm sorry that I did not blog for awhile but Auntie Shannon was here for a visit so I took a blog vacation:-)
Auntie Shannon & I decided to visit Venice Beach early in her trip...This December in California is very cold...the wind was crazy, and the temperature was probably only in the 40s...but we walked out on the Venice Beach pier anyway!
My first attempt at a photo of Auntie Shannon...her hair would not cooperate...yep, all that swing in her hair is from the wind...brrrrrrrr!

The second attempt went better...but you can still see the wind whipping the ends of Shanny's seems we did not think the weather through very carefully:-)

I love this's very impromptu and silly and makeup, self portrait, with us just lucky that the hair was not fully covering our faces...we tried to get a tourist to take a photo for us, but he took a picture of his feet instead...I don't know how to explain that!

After our walk on Venice Beach, we ate at C & O (Cheese & Olive), a very famous restaurant there...then we crossed the street to the Cabo Cantina for watermelon margaritas...
We chatted with lots of different people living near Venice Beach..and on such a cold night,we especially enjoyed the fire pit above...very very very toasty!!!
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

1 comment:

  1. We were missing you - glad that you're back! Love the pictures of you and Auntie Shannon! Love you!
