Sunday, October 25, 2009

Surprise Visitor, California Weather and My Stitches...

Before you kids were born, Auntie Beth lived in New York and her very bestest friend in the whole wide world was Matt!
Matt still lives in New York but he paid me a surprise visit this past Tuesday night out of the cool is that? And I had just gotten back to L.A. from my CT trip a few hours before...what luck:-)
Today was gorgeous as usual in Los Angeles. This is what I wore outside today, and I was not cold at all...Mols, notice the flipflops from our Venus Nails trip this past visit!!!
The mess behind me was my bright idea to pull apart my closet...did that the day before the doctor gave me 4 times as many stitches as planned and told me to take it easy...on the upside, I cannot feel guilty about not cleaning or going to pilates because I am physically unable to do so...that kinda ummm rocks:-)
Here's the bandage for my stitches...I have to wear it for 8 days, and I cannot take it off or uncover it...the plastic on the outside area of the bandage is a waterproof covering so I can shower...if I do not shower, I smell...but this itches like crazy so thank you, doc!!!
They made a cut in my skin about 3-4 inches wide and I think they could've laparoscopically removed my spleen with less of a cut...I've seen C-section cuts this does a 1/4 inch patch of skin require as much of a cut as an 8 lb baby? I have no idea, but I'll probably ask when I get the stitches out on Thursday...
I'll also take photos of before the stitches come out and after...the ones from the very first day they cut me would've been a bit too gross for this blog!
I love you lots, and miss you more-
oxoxAuntie Beth/ Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS


  1. No picture is ever too gross for this cousin so bring it on, baby! I'm training Molly to be a doctor (rather than a vet) so she needs the expereince, too!

  2. OMG I can't believe how big that bandage is!! Wish I was nearby to pamper you a little!! But hope you're starting to feel much better. Love, Auntie Leenie
    What the heck is a URL!!
