Friday, October 30, 2009

Let's Visit The Third Street Promenade, Shall We?

Auntie Beth is cheating. This trip to the Third Street Promenade actually happened in early October...I took photos to save for a day when I was photoless...and that would be today.

The Third Street promenade is an actual street, but it is blocked off like a street fair...there are tons of stores, shops, eateries and carts of goodies for the shoppers in all of us. Of course Auntie KK, Auntie Meg and I went when they visited me in California in December 2007!
This is one of the many carts that line the can get anything, from dresses to hats to (Auntie Meg's fave) sunglasses...
I almost bought that pink cowboy hat for you Molly...but I didn't know if you wear hats:-) One of the great things I've learned about the H-W sisters? If one doesn't use it, another one will...Annie would've put it on her head pronto!
Back during their 2007 California visit, Auntie Meg, Auntie KK & Auntie Beth spent a good amount of time here on our shopping excursion...Auntie KK bought us monkeyface key protectors...
Back before you kids were born when Auntie Kasey lived in California, Auntie Meg came out to visit her...and they went to Johnny's...Auntie Meg loved Johnny's even more than Molly loves Friendly's! Of course Auntie Meg asked me to take her & Auntie KK there again on their visit...three bantering sisters and great food...can't believe that was already 2 years ago.
If you look behind the trees, you can see new construction...when Auntie Meg & KK visited 2 years ago, that was a mall where we bought me some new Sarah Jessica Parker "Bitten" jeans...but last year the city decided to tear down that perfectly good mall to rebuild a supermall...a huge mess & waste of money if you ask me!!!
Another view of Johnny's so Auntie Meg can envy my life in California, so close to good eats:-)

There are some really cool fountains along the promenade...for the kids-promenade is just another word for walk, and since 3rd street is off limits for cars, this street is actually only a walkway now...this fountain above made me giggle because it looks like the stream of water is coming out of the hippo's butt...
One of the biggest treats of the Third Street Promenade? The street performers....some days the talent is better than others...this gentleman above had the voice of an angel....he sang "Georgia on My Mind" and moved me to tears...
People can put money in the street performer's suitcase if they like what you I gave him a very big tip...such a mellifluous voice...ask Mom what that means...because that word is the only word that can possibly do this man justice...that was a very great day...
love you lots, and miss you more-
oxxoAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

1 comment:

  1. OH - I love third street! Auntie Kate, Meg, Colin, Auntie Leenie, Uncle Pete were all there years and years ago, too. When I lived in LA I went there at least 3 times a week to listen to the preformers and hang out! Back when I was slightly cool - unlike now when I am boring and embarrassing to my kids! These pictures were (no offense) much more interesting than your stitches but the I quite enjoyed your stitches too! Hope you feel better! We love you!
