Friday, October 30, 2009

Let's Visit The Third Street Promenade, Shall We?

Auntie Beth is cheating. This trip to the Third Street Promenade actually happened in early October...I took photos to save for a day when I was photoless...and that would be today.

The Third Street promenade is an actual street, but it is blocked off like a street fair...there are tons of stores, shops, eateries and carts of goodies for the shoppers in all of us. Of course Auntie KK, Auntie Meg and I went when they visited me in California in December 2007!
This is one of the many carts that line the can get anything, from dresses to hats to (Auntie Meg's fave) sunglasses...
I almost bought that pink cowboy hat for you Molly...but I didn't know if you wear hats:-) One of the great things I've learned about the H-W sisters? If one doesn't use it, another one will...Annie would've put it on her head pronto!
Back during their 2007 California visit, Auntie Meg, Auntie KK & Auntie Beth spent a good amount of time here on our shopping excursion...Auntie KK bought us monkeyface key protectors...
Back before you kids were born when Auntie Kasey lived in California, Auntie Meg came out to visit her...and they went to Johnny's...Auntie Meg loved Johnny's even more than Molly loves Friendly's! Of course Auntie Meg asked me to take her & Auntie KK there again on their visit...three bantering sisters and great food...can't believe that was already 2 years ago.
If you look behind the trees, you can see new construction...when Auntie Meg & KK visited 2 years ago, that was a mall where we bought me some new Sarah Jessica Parker "Bitten" jeans...but last year the city decided to tear down that perfectly good mall to rebuild a supermall...a huge mess & waste of money if you ask me!!!
Another view of Johnny's so Auntie Meg can envy my life in California, so close to good eats:-)

There are some really cool fountains along the promenade...for the kids-promenade is just another word for walk, and since 3rd street is off limits for cars, this street is actually only a walkway now...this fountain above made me giggle because it looks like the stream of water is coming out of the hippo's butt...
One of the biggest treats of the Third Street Promenade? The street performers....some days the talent is better than others...this gentleman above had the voice of an angel....he sang "Georgia on My Mind" and moved me to tears...
People can put money in the street performer's suitcase if they like what you I gave him a very big tip...such a mellifluous voice...ask Mom what that means...because that word is the only word that can possibly do this man justice...that was a very great day...
love you lots, and miss you more-
oxxoAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Stitches...Here And Then Gone:-)

Kasey said this was not too gross for the blog so here it was either pictures of my cut or pictures of me hacking up a lung...

These are my stitches 8 days after they were sewn into my body, right before the nurse took them out...what is that red area around the stitches, and that scrape to the left of the stiches? My bright idea to keep a waterproof shower patch on for longer than recommended...
Once the stitches were out, it didn't look as disgusting to me...and the doc downgraded me to a much smaller bandage...I won't be irish step dancing anytime soon, but I can finally stand up straight again:-)
Auntie Beth is very sick, coughing so hard I choke and can't breathe...I'm going to the doctor tomorrow to see if she can blogs will be better once I feel well again:-)
Love you lots, and miss you more-
xoxoAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Surprise Visitor, California Weather and My Stitches...

Before you kids were born, Auntie Beth lived in New York and her very bestest friend in the whole wide world was Matt!
Matt still lives in New York but he paid me a surprise visit this past Tuesday night out of the cool is that? And I had just gotten back to L.A. from my CT trip a few hours before...what luck:-)
Today was gorgeous as usual in Los Angeles. This is what I wore outside today, and I was not cold at all...Mols, notice the flipflops from our Venus Nails trip this past visit!!!
The mess behind me was my bright idea to pull apart my closet...did that the day before the doctor gave me 4 times as many stitches as planned and told me to take it easy...on the upside, I cannot feel guilty about not cleaning or going to pilates because I am physically unable to do so...that kinda ummm rocks:-)
Here's the bandage for my stitches...I have to wear it for 8 days, and I cannot take it off or uncover it...the plastic on the outside area of the bandage is a waterproof covering so I can shower...if I do not shower, I smell...but this itches like crazy so thank you, doc!!!
They made a cut in my skin about 3-4 inches wide and I think they could've laparoscopically removed my spleen with less of a cut...I've seen C-section cuts this does a 1/4 inch patch of skin require as much of a cut as an 8 lb baby? I have no idea, but I'll probably ask when I get the stitches out on Thursday...
I'll also take photos of before the stitches come out and after...the ones from the very first day they cut me would've been a bit too gross for this blog!
I love you lots, and miss you more-
oxoxAuntie Beth/ Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Friday, October 23, 2009

I feel horridible...had 2 auditions...

I had 2 auditions today at 2 different casting offices, neither of which I've put on the blog before...and I forgot my camera!!! The Horror:-)
My auditions were for Amica Healthcare and Special K cereal...wish me luck for callbacks next week...
Well, these stitches are killing me...I'm cranky and blah...I'm going to take drugs and stay in bed for Saturday...Go Me...If you were here Miss Mols, I'd have you curl up right next to me in my big bed and read me a book:-)
Shout out to Auntie Eileen who made me feel better with her kind phone call!!!
I love you lots, and miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My May:-)

I'm very particular about my pedicures...not the everyday pedicures but the ones you get done every 2-3 months to get the full scrub, prevent ingrown nails, the whole shebang...and the only person I trust with this task is my May!!!

May works at Tina's Nails on 3rd Street in Los Angeles, and she has done my toes for 4 years...she is from Vietnam and has a husband and a son...

On an unrelated note, I'm still in much pain so I played it lowkey today...I had an audition for an instructional video on Ethics...other than that, I kept to myself...

I love you lots, and miss you more-

xoox Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Greetings From West Hollywood...Again...

I'm back in California...and the minute I got off the airplane, I got back to work!
I took a cab ride to my apartment, showered and hopped into Emmy...oh how I missed my car Emmy so much...then it was off to an audition for a feminine hygiene product-insert laugh here...
This is another office we haven't yet visited on this blog-the casting home of Lisa...Lisa is almost as cool as Auntie Lisa and she always remembers me when she's holding auditions...

When you walk through the door of the Casting Cafe there is actually a cafe...go figure...

Turn toward your left, and you have the sign-in area and the waiting room...most girls read or text while waiting their turn to audition...I of course took pictures instead...'cause Auntie Beth rocks like that...

Lisa was cool enough to let me take a photo inside the audition room to let you see more of what I do...
This is Ben who filmed my audition...I took this picture from the exact space I stood for the audition...the white paper is called a cue's always right next to the camera and lists the words we must say, just in case we forget the lines...
It was 72 degrees and gorgeous in West Hollywood so flip flops were in order...look at that beautiful shadow from all the sunshine above my head!!! If the audition did not require me to wear jeans, I would've worn shorts...gosh, I love California:-)
I was wearing a tank top and I was still too hot...
I do not miss the CT weather---windy, no sunshine---BUT I do miss my babies dreadfully...that includes all you kids, from Peter at age 9 to Reillyn at 10'll always be my babies:-)
Today, I got my very first stitches...9 of them which will probably leave my very first scar as well...a very exciting day in Auntie Beth land!!!
I AM FINE, I PROMISE...the doctor just wanted to remove a bumpy skin patch on my lower right rib cage...and I'm perfectly healthy & happy, all better except for the healing...
Phone calls and cards from my beloved never hurt though, wink wink!!!
I love you lots, and miss you more-
xooxxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Just Got Off The Phone...

...just hung up the cell after chatting with my lil angels, Molly, Peter and Annie...yes at 3:55 am my lucky am I that the kids asked mom if they could chat with Auntie in California? I got the cutest text asking if I was happy I was:-)

Molly & I at Auntie Meg's wedding...such a pretty girl next to me!!!

xooxAuntie Beth

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Last Few Hours in CT...

This is Miss Annie searching through my purse for the 3rd time in a row...all told, she found a piece of Big Red I didn't even know I had and she confiscated my lip balm and a dollar bill...she graciously gave back the dollar bill when she found my camera...

and took this last CT shot of me below all by herself...not too shabby, Kiddo...except that she must learn to catch Auntie Beth when she does not look totally tired and worn out:-)
I love you lots and miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


am I ever going to get to that plane on time tomorrow night???????? Skipping sleep is already a given, but still won't be enough....UGH! Back to work:-) oxB

Monday, October 5, 2009

Gotta Get Back To Those Taxes But...

I got this quick horribly blurry shot driving by the tattoo shop up the street from me. This is where they shoot the reality tv show, L.A. Ink...yes, I'm cool...yet not cool enough to actually get a tattoo:-) oxB

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Purring Kitties...

have zero to do with this post...but...

My Mommy is the bestest ever...had to be said! oxB

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Flying in soon...

I'm flying into CT on this Thursday noonish, and I did indeed rent a car...two tax returns today, four tired...but happy...can't wait to see you excited excited excited for my 10 days of the bestest family ever!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Looks like...

my blogging may not happen for a's either get all these taxes done right now before I leave town...or not be able leave at all and miss my CT trip, and Auntie Meg's wedding...blogging will have to wait...
I'm off to work on 3 tax files...and yes it's already 11:34 pm at night...a Friday night no less...and I'm working...and it looks like a 3:30 am bed time-YIPPPEEE:-) ! xoxoB

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Today's Blogging...

will have to wait until after midnight...taxes taxes taxes, lots of taxes to finish tonight:-)xoB