Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Auntie Beth's Newest Commercials Online

When an actor is looking for a new agent it becomes very important to have all your recent commercials in one quick 2 minute presentation, called a reel. My reel is now officially online for you to watch any time you please, my Chickadees:-)
Just click on the link and there I am!
Only 10 days til I hug you and kiss you and gobble you up:-P
I love you lots and miss you more-
xoxoAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Friday, September 30, 2011


Auntie Beth has fallen more times than she can count in the past few months, and getting back up has not been easy. There are moments where it seems easier to just stay on the ground. At these times, I remind myself that human beings are capable of so much more than we think, and that even I am stronger than I think I am.
I know my family well enough to know that you would rather hear from me when I am struggling mightily than not hear from me at all, so I thought I would share what has helped me see light today.
One of my friends sent me this video about a father and son's incredible bond a few years ago. Whenever I am struggling, I watch this video---not to make myself feel bad about how small my problems seem in comparison but to remind myself that all things are possible with God and that I am capable of so much more than I could ever imagine.
I believe that this Father feels about his son the way I feel about you. I love you more than you know, probably more than I even know:-)
The video:
A son asks his Father "Will you run a marathon with me?" and his Father replies "yes". After many successful marathon finishes, the son asks the Father "Dad will you do the Ironman Triathlon with me now?" and the Father replies "of course". I cry within 15 seconds of starting this video or even thinking about this video because love is so present.
And afterwards, I always remember that my strength is immeasurable when God is by my side.
I love you lots and I miss you more-
oxAuntie Beth/Bethe/Beppy GBAKYS

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Auntie Beth is Coming to CT for the Holidays!

I will be arriving in CT at noonish on Wednesday December 22nd, and leaving at 5:45 am on Tuesday morning January 4th.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Brendan with Auntie Beth=Bliss on Sunday night 9/6

This is the very first night Auntie Meg let me keep Brendan while she went home with Lila to try and get some sleep. Yeah, I begged.
Brendan and I walked outside around the cul-de-sac, watched the stars, sang silly songs and rocked until he fell asleep. It didn't last long but I was so in love that I needed to take our self-potrait to commemorate the moments. It is not as easy as it looks to take good photos of yourself with a sleeping baby whom you must ensure is not jostled lest he become upset...

My first truly pathetic unsuccessful shot of the night---because the baby is the important part of the photo and all... but my available arm was not good with aiming the camera. I was trying to get a photo of Brendan's facial angles that make him most seem like himself to me.
I thought he looked more like Lila in this photo above. I think I was looking for more of a photo that would captured his "Birdie" appeal.

I was still getting a Lila feel, and my arm was now stuck at a very specific angle...
so I decided to try a shot from the front, and lost the baby entirely...oops!

Wait, he reminds me of Lila even more from the front...so now I was thinking that perhaps Brendan looks like his sister, dork, and that's why all the photos remind you of her...

I then decided to try to get my face closer to Brendan and use the flash...it kind of worked to get a bit of the birdie appeal in the photo...even if I look like his scary ghost aunt.

Finally, my Brendan photo with birdie appeal...which look strangely like the first photo of this blog entry...shouldn't have messed with a good thing:-)
And last but not least my fave photo from our session...Brendan is so gorgeous, so tiny, so amazing...it is a night I will never forget!!! Thanks Megalegs for entrusting me with your little pumpkin.
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
xoxoAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Annie's 3!!!

I had the awesome privilege of spending a good chunk of Annie's 3rd Birthday with her.
Annie, Lizzie, Molly & I went ou to the Buckland Hills Mall for Build-A-Bear and then to the carousel. It was painfully obvious that we had to go on the carousel 3 times because it was Annie's 3rd Birthday. Lizzie was absolutely thrilled to share in the repeat rides, and seemed very happy that Annie was turning 3, and not 2!

I took alot of photos, not all are great, but delightful chaos was the order of the day so it feels right to just let the photos speak for themselves.

Hapy Birthday, Annie

I love you lots, and I miss you more-
xoxoAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

My Birthday on August 4th in Los Angeles

This is the first year I spent my birthday in Los Angeles in over 5 years, and probably the last time I ever will given that Lila and Brendan now share the 3rd with everyone...but I had planned my trip to CT for two weeks at the end of August in case those babies decided to wait to pop out...
Mommy was, as always, stellar at making me feel special on a "holiday" we spent apart. She sent me a care package with 4 different outfits, one dress---pictured above--and a tiara to wear on my big day...
Here's my best beauty queen, Princess of Genovia wave...

I stopped by Ben's house to tuck him into bed before I went out for dinner with Bridget...he really was happy to see me but for some reason, he was REALLY not in a picture mood...which is weird because he usually indulges me if I beg for one good smile...
I kind of got a small smile out of Ben because of his stuffed animals which he immediately turned his gaze toward, thus giving me a halfsmile while not looking into the camera...yeah, every effort can't be a winner:-P
I had an awesome birthday, made even more awesome by the birth of Lila & Brendan the day before complete with their photo in front of sign wishing me a Happy Birthday. Life is good!
I love you lots and I miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hair is Tough For An Actor-June 25th

I had a career consultation and one of the suggestions from my gal was that I consider making my haircut softer when I style it. I tend to push my hair off my face and without bangs my forehead is a bit high and lengthens my face. Truth be told, I was already really annoyed by my haircut. The bob was cute but definitely did not reflect "me"...I cut my hair off last week...but I found these older photos in my camera from when I was trying to figure out how to solve what I affectionately referred to as my "forehead problem".
Yeah, it would take a miracle to keep my hair in this position above all day long...and it would of course fall in my eyes. I could handle that for about 5 seconds in the name of beauty.

and as soon as we move the hair enough to the side to avoid vision issues, we have the forehead problem again:-)
I personally like this way of wearing the style the best, with the side blown forward...but it's exactly like it was at Meg and Tim's wedding, and would not survive any wear and tear beyond a special occasion.
I kept trying though...I did not want to admit defeat. Having to try so hard should probably have given me a clue that it took too much effort to maintain.

Yeah, just because you mess up the hair and have strands sticking out everywhere does not mean it is better in hiding the forehead problem.
Alas, I think I knew I was going to cut it off in frustration eventually, so I took a photo of my fave part of style, and why I kept it around for 14 months of problems...doesn't it look cool? Yeah, I still cut it all off...
Who knew an acting career could require such tedious girlie concerns? UGH!
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS