Thursday, November 19, 2009

Peek-A-Boo, Pilates Device, Road Kill, Playtime, Holiday Cheer & Refreshments

O.K. so I'm making an effort to get myself out from behind my steps!!!
This is called a pilates reformer machine. When I say I'm going to a pilates class, this is the machine I use...on the far left of your screen is the foot bar...I lay facing up toward the ceiling and push my feet against the foot bar to do my leg exercises. The shoulder pads in the middle of the machine make sure you don't hurt your neck and the handles right next to the shoulder pads are for my arm may look wierd but it does wonders for my body...tonight was my very first day back to pilates class since Auntie Meg's wedding!!!
This is my kitty cat, Rhapsody...I got this stuffed animal because my friend adopted a cat that looked just like her...Rhapsody has sat on my dashboard for 2 years now, falling off everytime I take a sharp corner...yet I continue to diligently put her back in friend Wes says she looks more like roadkill...he's mean! Auntie KK & Auntie Meg thought it was very funny that I had a cat in my car when they visited:-)

Don't look now but it's my SECOND playtime with Ben this week...after pilates, I headed over to see two of my fave people, Ben & Lurene...we were trying to get Ben's focus but "Upside Down People" was on which is his fave...we had zero chance of getting his attention!

Look how gorgeous Ben's mommy is!!! Ben is very into kisses & hugs right now which makes an Auntie very very happy...Lurene & I tried yet again to get Ben to look at the camera but this time he just wanted to stare at mommy...
I yelled "BEN", he glanced for half a second...but wanted to get back to staring at mommy...the kid is focused, I'll give him that:-)
...and right before this shot, Ben was doing his "where is it?" motion with his hands...kind of the same meaning as Annie's shoulder shrug except Ben does it with his hands...and Ben was gracious enough to point out exactly where to find said item once he spotted it!

Our clever little boy now grabs your hand and pulls you up out of your seat to follow him...he does not let go, and there is usually not a place he really wants to take you, not that we've figured out anyway...but it's so cute that Auntie Beth was right behind Mommy as he led us around the kitchen for the 3rd time...Lurene is really great about indulging Ben up to a point and then telling him "it's enough" in a kind but firm way...the girl has patience!!!

Ben had hit his bedtime and his tired did not help that Auntie Beth got him riled up the minute she walked in the door, grabbing him, snarkkling him, running after had just told him it was bedtime above...
...and Ben hurls himself into his mommy's arms...very snuggly with's great to watch this beautiful amazing boy be so loved...
Onto the next topic, holiday cheer...and in my defense, the holiday lights come on after dark because well they are lights, so most photos cannot turn out well...but if I'm gonna display just how crazy Californians are about the holidays, I need to document it, even if there...

This is Santa Monica Boulevard, one block away from my home...there are twinkling stars on every street light in West Hollywood already...we are considered a separate "city" from Los Angeles proper even though we are within its city limits...and West Hollywood knows how to budget for decorating!!! These stars were put up in early November, so WeHo got quite the jump on the holiday cheer...

I got up close and personal with one didn't have much to say but it sure was pretty:-)
... and right up the street our Bristol Farms had strings of white lights hung by last week...

...and in between my place and the Grimms, there were no less than 3 Christmas tree lots already set up, ready to receive the trees from the north...
The tree lot above was pretty big and will be filled with trees this weekend...the Christmas tree sellers in California only order certain kinds of trees because only a few types can last for over a month in our weather even when the tree is kept indoors...

...and finally, we stop at the 7-11 on Santa Monica Boulevard, a blessing & a curse just a few blocks from my late night snack place...yes, they know me there:-)
Candy immediately to the left, icecream straight ahead on the left, Big Gulp to the right at the end of the register:-)
Blogging takes a long time...whew...
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
ox Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

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