Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ode To Annie

She's Miss Independent unless she needs some real aid,

she's all about the sass, and the blanket Grammy made...

Those beautiful blue eyes, oh how they gleam,

and when she gets angry, her ears how they steam!

"Take me me me" is her favorite line,

She loves Walmart, the shoes, even waiting in line.

She's learned the catch-all "Auntie" for those far away,

but if you live nearby you might be "Tay Tay".

She's my little angel, I don't mean to brag,

I think she's just perfect even when she dumps out my bag.

Annieboo is the bestest you know it must be true,

because Auntie doesn't write poetry, she stinks at it too!

It's the thought that counts...I love you Annieboo...missed you like crazy today:-)


Auntie (Beth)

Of course I love all of you too, but Annie kept popping up today...so I attempted to capture one-one thousandth of my love for her...but in the end, who could do my Annie justice? Certainly not me:-)

I love you lots, and miss you more-

xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

1 comment:

  1. OMG We have a poet! I love it and I love you. Auntie Leenie
