When you are having a tough time, you should do something that makes you feel better. Today my answer was to dye my hair for the holidays...I like my new darker hair-I look more like you now, Miss Molly:-)
I then did three loads of laundry because we all know laundry is the answer to feeling better...not! Hey, it had to get done sooner or later so whatevs...
Ben & I learn more about each others' moods and facial expressions everyweek...the above shot was a candid shot which took my Godson a bit by surprise...
Ben was then curious but confused because my camera has a different flash rhythm than his Mom's...he was still processing what had just happened...yeah, I didn't give the poor kid much time for that though...just clicking away...
...then Ben got stern with me because he was focused on his toy and found my photo efforts very distracting...this is Ben's "cut it out" look...he knows tears must be reserved for very important moments with Auntie Beth 'cause otherwise she'll just cry along with him:-)
Oh yes, he's definitely MY Godson...Ben warmed up to the camera, became fascinated, and even started moving toward me...ok, toward my camera...he wanted to touch it, take it, own it...
...and Auntie Beth didn't quite anticipate the speed with which Ben could get across the room...no child was blinded in the making of this blog entry...in fact, he laughed...apparently flashes are fun:-)
This may look like a blank expression but in actuality it's Ben plotting his next move...hmmm, so she won't give me the camera, but I think the flashy lights are awesome...sooooo....
...Ben flings himself into my arms!!! Alas, my first attempt at a twoshot was foiled by a mistaken hit to the zoom button...
I finally got the framing correct only to have Ben become more fascinated with the camera itself...here he was checking out the camera strap...
but Auntie Beth knows her boy so she started giving him big big kisses, many of them, like a pecking hen...and of course the "umm yumm yumm" sound effect which must go along with them...look at those dimples...
Hey, if it worked once, why not try it again...how adorable is my boy??????
but to truly get the full out gleefully shrieking giggle shot I gotta do my snarkkle monster...it's a cross between a snort, a growl and a crazy raspberry kiss...gets Ben everytime:-)
I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a long time...I was waiting for someone to miss me, and noone did for a long while...but Kasey mentioned my blog absence over the weekend...so I know someone is checking up on my life...I needed that:-)
I love you lots, and miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS
Yeah - I love that you are back to blogging - I check it everyday even when there are no new entries!Okay - Ben belongs in CT where we can all enjoy him - visit sometime maybe??? He is too cute - love the smile and dimples! Thanks for sharing - we miss you like crazy - can't wait until the 19th! Love you!
ReplyDeleteI noticed your absence, too. I just didn't want to put pressure on you to get back to blogging. Glad you did though!