Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lots of L.A. Livin'...

You asked for it Molly...lots of photos!!!

WARNING: Apparently my captions are supposed to be below the photos...but for this blog entry, the captions are ABOVE the photos...I will caption correctly in future blogs...sorry:-(

This is the front of my apartment building. I have lived in this building since my very first day in CA on August 5, 2000...just 6 days before Peter was born:-)

This is the view when I'm walking down the stairs to leave my building everyday.

This is the view of my neighborhood looking northward from my porch.

This is the view of my neighborhood looking southward from my porch.

This is the side of my building, so I can point out my exact apartment window...I'm on the top floor, the very last window all the way at the end on the left side of the photo...there is a palm tree sticking out right above my apartment window...

This is my view when I get back from working & I climb the stairs toward home everyday.

But first I must punch in a security code to open the door....gotta be safe! Who is that girl in the reflection of the glass? :-)

Then I stop at the mailboxes to collect my day's mail. This is where penpal letters are delivered...hint hint hint hint.

If we head up the stairs and around the bend...

and down the hallway...

we're almost there...last door on the left...

I'm home!!!!

We open the door...and even though it's not clean enough yet, I'll give you a quick peek...
the kitchen entrance is in the far right corner, behind the purple lamp...Above the blue couch on the right of the above photo is this flower mural I based the colors of the room on...the door with all the light to the right of my head is the bathroom...and right next to that would be my bedroom door....but I gotta save that for later, when it's clean clean clean:-P

Trying to get more of the flower portraiture into frame...surprisingly hard to do when you are in the photo and holding the camera...but I'm getting better at it...

I already have more photos for tomorrow...and I may even put them online tonight after midnight....
As for my day today, I did alot of taxes and it felt good to get them done!
I love you lots
xooxAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

1 comment:

  1. Wow - that was quite a tour - I can't wait to show Molly when she gets home from school! The Mom would love a picture of some of my favorite places in your neighborhood - Cathedral Chapel, LACMA - you know things that I can be nostalgic about! Just a thought! I lvoe you - keep blogging!
