Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Miss You Guys:-(

Auntie Beth is still sick! This flu or bug I caught is not going away without a big fight...I thought if I stayed in bed all day yesterday it might sleep itself right out of my system but NO...soooo I didn't blog at all yesterday because I never really woke up...and I'm getting sick of being in my pjs!

However, I could've written one sentence and kept my promise to blog everyday...simply an "I'm sick" would've worked just fine...yep, I should keep my promises whenever I can. Then, I tried to justify to myself that I had posted two entries the day before---but that's just an excuse. I'm sorry. I will keep my promise to blog daily from now on:-)

I don't have a fever so that's good but I should probably go to a doctor if I'm not better on Monday or much work to do with taxes and acting...and I need to be healthy to do lucky am I to have a body that tells me right away when it's hurting or needs more sleep or needs rest? Lots of people ignore their bodies and then they get much more sick later on...BUT like I said before, I'm getting sick of pjs...and I just realized I'm missing the long Labor Day weekend...guess the doctor would have to wait til Tuesday anyway then:-)

Photos are hard to add when you don't leave the apartment to take any new ones but I'll do my best to get out & about soon...for now, words will have to do...I don't know if anyone reads this anyway so no biggie...miss you all!

xxoxoAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

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