Thursday, September 24, 2009

Auditions and Taxes and Dancing...

Auntie Beth is not sleeping these days so she is sooo over it...but we move onward...

My first of two auditions today was in Santa Monica near the beach but I did not have time to take photos. I don't tan, so I don't really care about the beach...but most Californians do!
This audition was at yet another new office for this blog, belonging to a casting director named Chris. He is probably my favorite industry person, very smart guy! I love this lobby, the staircase alone is a work of art...
Here's the sign in table for that audition for Glad garbage bags...
I ran right after this to a Wii audition in Hollywood at you guessed it another new office for this blog...but of course I forgot to take photos...
I had to hurry because I had to get home for a tax client...busy busy bee!
FRUSTRATION@#$%! I did not get a callback on Wii-they were casting it today-and I did not get a callback on Target or Home Depot...I'm doubting myself...majorly...even a nonactor could get a callback once in a while...crappity crap...oops, it slipped cover your eyes:-P
This is my friend and tax client, Tina...we met at Landmark education 6 years ago and she is a professional dancer. She teaches dance at Arthur Murray studios AND she dances on tv & in films...

You can tell she's a dancer, right? Tina danced on the show "That's So Raven" and met Raven, and she danced on the Jonas Brothers' video "The Ugly Truth" and met the Jonas Brothers...sorry kids, she didn't even know who Miley Cyrus was so I don't think she's ever danced with her:-)

I love you lots, and miss you more-

xooxAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

1 comment:

  1. We love hearing about your auditions and your really cool friends - the Jonas Brothers are almost as big as Hannah! Thanks for another cool blog!

    The H-W's
