Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Haircut for Auntie Beth!!!

In spring 2001, I was referred to Justin at Marina Beach Hair for a new trendy cute hairstyle...Justin owns the place, with 16 other hairdressers working at her shop!

Ever since that very first haircut in 2001, noone else has cut my hair...except once...and even then it was one of the hairdressers in Justin's salon to whom she gave very specific instructions...

Almost 9 years together...time flies:-)

With Auntie Meg's wedding right around the corner, it was time to visit Justin for a trim...

My rockstar hairdresser, Justin. She lives just north of Los Angeles on a farm ranch with her own horses and everything.

All set for Auntie Meg's wedding with the hair...time for a mani/pedi tomorrow...but don't worry Molly, Auntie Beth will need new polish right before the wedding so we can still have girltime at Venus Nails:-)

I love you lots, and miss you more-

oxoxAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Auntie Beth is Too Busy!!!

I apologize for missing not one but two days of blogging...I broke my promise...that's not ok...the only thing I can say is that there are so many details to remember in my life right now...I have 20 tax clients to finish before I leave for CT, and I'm tired:-)

In the spirit of Auntie Meg, I took my "I'm soooo tired" photo...
I think I look like the wicked witch from Wizard of longggg pointy nose...

This is Steph...she is the parking attendant at my fave Subway and we talk almost every day...she's such a great person, always with a smile, such a joy to be around...Steph also introduced me to the term pescatarian...pescatarians are people who eat fish but no other meats...seems that Steph and I will not be eating burgers together...the things I learn...
I love you lots, and miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Molly's Birthday!!!!

7 Years Of Blessings...

Happy Birthday, got Auntie Beth to create this blog, so today's entry is about you:-)
The day you were born was one of the happiest days of my life...and I couldn't love a little girl more if she were my very own light up my world, Miss Mols...Happy Birthday to my precious princess! oxoxAuntie Beth

Friday, September 25, 2009

My Beloved & Invaluable Ramona!!!

When I moved my tax business into my own apartment in early 2008, the 200+ clients in and out began to create quite a mess!!! Enter Ramona:-)
Ramona helps me twice a month with clean up and organization of the tax chaos...With one daughter in high school and another with 2 small children, Ramona has her hands full...but she still manages to give me nurturing too...
I love Ramona...she has made my life soooo much easier...& more enjoyable:-)
I love you lots, and miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Auditions and Taxes and Dancing...

Auntie Beth is not sleeping these days so she is sooo over it...but we move onward...

My first of two auditions today was in Santa Monica near the beach but I did not have time to take photos. I don't tan, so I don't really care about the beach...but most Californians do!
This audition was at yet another new office for this blog, belonging to a casting director named Chris. He is probably my favorite industry person, very smart guy! I love this lobby, the staircase alone is a work of art...
Here's the sign in table for that audition for Glad garbage bags...
I ran right after this to a Wii audition in Hollywood at you guessed it another new office for this blog...but of course I forgot to take photos...
I had to hurry because I had to get home for a tax client...busy busy bee!
FRUSTRATION@#$%! I did not get a callback on Wii-they were casting it today-and I did not get a callback on Target or Home Depot...I'm doubting myself...majorly...even a nonactor could get a callback once in a while...crappity crap...oops, it slipped cover your eyes:-P
This is my friend and tax client, Tina...we met at Landmark education 6 years ago and she is a professional dancer. She teaches dance at Arthur Murray studios AND she dances on tv & in films...

You can tell she's a dancer, right? Tina danced on the show "That's So Raven" and met Raven, and she danced on the Jonas Brothers' video "The Ugly Truth" and met the Jonas Brothers...sorry kids, she didn't even know who Miley Cyrus was so I don't think she's ever danced with her:-)

I love you lots, and miss you more-

xooxAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Yes That's My Butt...and Ben:-)

Auntie Beth is miserable...she is sick of working, sick of being Auntie Beth put on her Kauai shorts to remind her of a happier time...Kauai is in Hawaii and Auntie Beth was there 2 summers ago...gosh, I need a break...but I threw on my Kauai shorts, put a smile on my face...and forced myself to attend a pilates class instead...yeah, not even close to a vacation...

I usually take pilates every Wednesday night and every Saturday reward is visiting Ben afterwards...our routine is basically the same every visit...
First, Ben is unconcerned with me as long as I keep a safe distance...

then, he starts to worry that I'm only there so Mommy can leave...

Today I distracted him by asking him to go for a walk...still not convinced...

But eventually Ben climbs into the blue car Auntie Beth got should've seen this Auntie roaming around from Target to Kmart to Toys-R-Us just for this specific car...but it's a hit with my Benjamin!!!

As his mom Lurene and I chatted-I'm the one pushing the car though, for serious-Ben would look back to get in on the conversation...our boy!
Once we got back into the house, Ben commenced with his solo playtime...he only needs a few minutes of it, but he goes over to his toys and touches as many as he can in about 7 minutes...eventually he brought over a talking book for me to read...many times...
BUT when Dad came home....
the wrestling began...Ben is actually winning...

he jumped on Dad quite a bit...
then he gave his Dad the sign to "stay down, please"...

our mohawk baby...Lurene says that Ben is ready for his first haircut and that the mullet has to go...sounded alot like Kasey talking about Lizzie in early August actually...

Ben was hiding from me, then jumped out to surprise me...he's actually very good at hiding himself fully behind his Dad...

My precious Godson...look at those dimples:-)

Tubby time is not fun for Ben...once the diaper is on again, he becomes a little less annoyed...but Ben is teething so as we near bedtime aka overtired time...
Ben screams screams screams...yes, we realized we should've taken photos with Auntie Beth before the poor baby...his gums are so red:-(
so Auntie Beth gave Ben a kiss to make him feel better...
Tomorrow I have 2 auditions and 3 tax clients...YIKES!!
I love you lots, and miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Money Seminar, My Friend Robert and Arclight Cinemas

Today I was running to the bank and post office, doing my money seminar homework, and getting my tax work done. The deadline for tax papers is October 15th but I need to leave for Auntie Meg's wedding on October 7th, so I'm hurrying everyone up-lots of work to do in less time-it's yucky...
Tonight I had my seminar about money...and I forgot to take photos! There are 85 people in my class but we each belong to a smaller group is Patrick, Kim, Philip, Olivier & me...
After class, I met my friend Robert for a midnight movie at Arclight Cinemas...

This is Robert...we met at Landmark Education 7 years ago (where I went for class tonight), and he is one of the L.A. loves of my life...he is definitely my late night movie buddy, and we giggle alot whenever we are together-Robert just "gets" me!!!
This is the Arclight Cinemas...the big white half golfball is the Dome, an historical landmark that they restored and reopened in seats over 950 people...alas, you cannot take photos inside the theater...blah!
Trying to give you an idea of the size of the lobby...the Arclight is more upscale than the Grove because you reserve & purchase exact seat assignments...and you pay more:-) There is also a full restaurant in the lobby and one theater next to the bar designated over 21/alcohol-permitted...
This is the very cool board that displays all the movies and times's mesmerizing in person...the Arclight lobby is far less chaotic than the Grove because it attracts a more laidback crowd, willing to pay for comfort and ease...
Yes, they have their own gift shop...for serious...

Here's a closer view...I got my "soccer moms rock" t-shirt here...

Auntie Beth all alone in California...but wait...

Robert gives me a big unexpected smooch goodnight...lucky girl!!!
I love you lots, and miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Monday, September 21, 2009

Busy Bee!

Auntie Beth is booked up until after midnight tonight so posting will have to wait...sending you love love love!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Grove!!!

Another thing that was built after Kasey left Los Angeles... "The Grove". I'm not quite sure what we did before this was built. The Grove is an outdoor walkway with restaurants, a movie theatre, tons of shops, a trolley ride, music and a beautiful dancing fountain.

It was nighttime so I took a photo from the 7th floor of the parking garage...the first neon sign on the left says "The Grove" and is above the movie theatre, the Cheesecake Cactory is next on the right, followed by a 3 story Barnes & Noble...they also build a Santa's house on the walkway during the holidays...

This is Morel's, one of the several restaurants offering outdoor seating on the walkway...
But Auntie Beth was there for the movies, a midnight movie no less!

This is the 15 screen movie theater that we just call "the Grove"...

On my way inside, I saw this movie friend Mike helped build the "wild things" for this movie so I'm excited to see it!

This is the foyer...that is an upstairs balcony for the two big theatres...on any Saturday or Sunday night, there are over 1000 people coming in and out of this lobby at any given time...every seat is sold for all 15 movies!

A closer look with better lighting...

Here's where you buy the tickets for your movie...the yellow lights are at the bottom of the sign which tells you which movies are playing...all 6 of these cash registers have a line at least 20 people long most nights...that's why I only go to midnight movies:-)
I couldn't fit the whole snack counter into one photo, so I did my best...but again, there are usually 6 cash registers with a line 20 people long most nights...CRAZY!

My movie was on the left a few doors down...this long hallway leads to the majority of the theaters...I'm always thrilled when my movie is playing right next to the ladies' room!
I love you lots, and miss you more-
xooxxoAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Nothing to tell or see today...

Auntie Beth lounged in her fresh clean sheets in her clean apartment and did nothing much felt great after a long week of taxes and appointment tomorrow, plus I think it's time for me to go to my favorite movie theatre to you tomorrow!

I love you lots, and miss you more-
oxoxAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Friday, September 18, 2009


I just finished a 4 hour tax appointment...AND I forgot to take pictures of my tax clients Mike and Lacy after all that...ooops...the only thing that made it o.k. was getting a very sweet voicemail from Molly...thanks, Mols:-)
After my long night of cleaning, I noticed which parts of the apartment you haven't seen yet on this blog...let me show you an example of my love for you guys...

This is the wall next to my front door-it has photos & invites to many of our family events over the years...I may not be able to attend while in CA...but rest assured that if you send it, it ends up on either my refrigerator, on my desk, on the back of my front door, on this wall or in my photo book on the coffee table...yep, I couldn't forget those whom I love even if I tried in this place:-P

This is the main entrance and obviously the sign for the apartment complex where Kasey lived in California...I love how the sun caught the sign perfectly when I was snapping the shot...
Sunny and clear at 80 degrees in Los Angeles is rough:-)
I love you lots, and miss you more-
xooxAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS