Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Haircut, Pilates Part Two and BEN!!!

Auntie Beth got a haircut today...if there is one thing that Auntie Beth does not like, it's too much hair! I hate hair on my neck, hate lots of hair I asked for it short short short!!!

I had just gotten back from pilates---my 2nd pilates session this week and I was so proud of myself!-- so my hair was a bit of a mess but you can see from the side how short I got it cut...can't wait to show you in person on Friday!!!

Upon entering the Grimm house, Ben greeted me without pants:-) His shirt was long enough that I did not notice at first, but rarely is this kid without pants, a shirt and socks unless it is was adorable!

Ben was running away from me so this is an action shot...apparently, Ben's new thing is to run from getting his photo taken...he does so with a gleeful squeal and laughter and a big smile of course!

I caught Ben on his way around the hall and through the kitchen...could he get any more beautiful? He gets those dimples from his Dad...Ben's Mom, Lurene, says Ben is a mini-Randal...I don't know if I'd go that far...but yes, those dimples are definitely from Daddy:-)

Notice the sign language lady on the screen behind my Godson...we watched that video 3 times tonight...I learned the sign language for all kinds of animals but my favorite was the kangaroo...Ben is squatting to get at my laundry bucket...

If only I could be so fascinated by my own laundry...Ben ran around with that grey shirt on top, throwing it on top of every chair in the living room...not sure what he was doing exactly but I think he was showing me his version of doing laundry...too cute:-)
I cannot wait to see my AnnieBoo and Kasey at the airport on Friday morning...and I'm serious when I say I am not leaving Molly's side all weekend, People...except of course when she goes to her Irish StepDancing event with Daddy on Friday and to Abby's party...but even then I'll be waiting for her at home when she gets plan accordingly and try to get on our schedule, My Beloveds...we are such busy girls:-)
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
oxoxAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

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