Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Shopping Trip on June 10th...and Look What I Bought!

Auntie Beth went out on her first grocery shopping trip in almost 2 years on June 10th...yes, that was correct and not a typo...TWO YEARS...sure, sure I've gone in and gotten cases of water, or 10 yogurts for a long tax week, but a full stock the fridge trip? Two years...and I have not missed it! I found it very unfulfilling and quite frankly boring...so I had to make it more interesting...

So I found a natural salad dressing named after our Annieboo...I think the other shoppers thought I was crazy because when I saw this bottle, I started giggling and jumping around with glee. Hey, as far as I'm concerned, I was the only person having any fun in that store anyway...they should take a lesson:-)

A closer look at the joyful reminder for the day that I have beloved babies in CT waiting for me...so sad that I am just now using photos on the blog from June 10th...not sure I can catch up at this point so we may just pretend I lost my camera for 6-8 weeks...
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

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