Monday, June 7, 2010

Auntie Beth is NOT Sleeping Well!

After Auntie Beth got back to Los Angeles, I had sooooo much to do with my taxes and acting.

I also decide I needed to get Auntie Beth stopped eating cookies, cakes and candy...and she went from drinking four diet cokes a day to one diet coke a day...and she started noticing all the unhealthy foods she wanted to eat and stopped was a HARD week:-)
I also started exercising twice a week for an hour, and trying to fall asleep at a normal was a very HARD week...
I started all this new healthy stuff on June 6th and here is what my bed looked like on June 7th when I woke up!

I tossed and turned all night, I twisted the covers every which way, I flopped back and forth...I undid the sheets from the bottom of the was not pretty!
and Auntie Beth also went to bed with wet I woke up with Lizzie bedhead...I could get a good shot of the back but from the front you can see I was a bit messy!

I still look tired...I wonder why????
I was actually kind of digging the added volume. Of course, I can never get this much volume in my hair when I try for a hour with all kinds of devices and product...pishawww...
This brings us up to date through June 7th...
More to follow soon, but I just could not leave us way back at May 22nd any longer...yikes!!!
I love you lots, and miss you more-
xoxoAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

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