Saturday, March 6, 2010

VW bruiser--the next day...

Auntie Beth shot her car spot last Thursday and got more than she bargained for! A really great gal named Jama had to hit me in the arm over 20 times...she is tiny so she had to wind up to get a good swing in, and this is the result...these photos were taken on Friday, 24 hours after the shoot...yes Molly, I suffer for my art just like you and your sore ankles:-)
Forgive the bra...Auntie TayTay may recognize it as one of her castoffs:-)

And a closer tax table with my scheduling calendar & office supplies can be seen in the're getting a glimpse into Auntie Beth's acting career AND her tax career all in the same photo!
I wish I could say these photos make it look worse than it is, but in person it is far more the very least, it is a great conversation starter whenever anyone catches a glimpse:-P
More photos of bruise progression over the past few days to come...but rest assured, I still cannot wear short sleeves without causing lots of unwanted attention, 4 days later!
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
oxoxAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS


  1. OMG BETH!!!! That looks like it hurts sooo bad. Blowing get better kisses from Julia and I! Love you!

  2. We are already on high alert for the commercial. Everytime something comes on where it might be a car commercial Peter quiets everyone down in case its you! The kids also make us tape EVERYTHING so that if your commercial comes on we will be able to rewind and watch - uggg! Well - the arm looks bad but if you saw how your nieces and nephew brag about you it would prbably make it worthwhile. Peter - "MY auntie Beth lives in LA with movie stars and she is the best one of all because she did a Volks Agon commercial." Molly - "Auntie Beth is in a commercial where she gets punched in the arm - giggle giggle giggle - we didn't see it yet but I know she looks beautiful in it!" Can you feel the love?
