Saturday, March 6, 2010

My February 21st playdate with Ben, and My Eyebrow is Healing....

I know you were hoping to get the photos of my very bruised right arm from my commercial shoot, but I have back blogs to get to first...I haven't seen Ben in 2 weeks because of the end of February tax rush, so these photos are two weeks old...but have no fear because we are seeing each other tomorrow...finally!!!
Auntie Beth was on her way to Ben's house, with laundry in tow because he has his own washer dryer:-) You can see that the red spot where the doctor burned off the spot on my eyebrow is starting to fade...boy do I have a really long neck, by the way...

A different view...when I put makeup over it, you wouldn't know it was ever there:-)
This is my axe murderer face apparently...I've got some serious chipmunk nut storage cheeks going on around my mouth...better smile more!
This is my beloved Ben running away from me when I entered the house...ok, not so much running away from me as inspired by my arrival to play harder:-P

Mom asked for a kiss and Ben was trying to figure out if he would grace her with his presence...
but as soon as it's crib time, you bet that Mommy is his fave person around!

Of course, huggy bunny gave in and flung himself right into Mom's arms...took a whole 20 seconds, a new hold-out record:-)

Ben has started to dance, so here he was showing me his can't see Auntie Beth dancing like a crazy person behind the camera which is probably best.
yep, we even get the arms cute is my boy?????

Guess who wanted to take pictures? Anytime I take out my cellphone or my camera Ben becomes Mr. Grabby Hands...
Ben plopping down to rest after a strenuous dance session....sooo much energy...
I love to watch Ben try to figure out what goes where...he was trying to get something inside his sippycup...fascinating to watch his toddler mind work...

My cutiepie...Ben's Mom & Dad offered to take our photo but I always do it for us because we are usually alone and did not want to break tradition...Ben does not like to look at my camera when I take photos this way...and yet he loves to grab it!!!
and this is Ben's "I'm trying" smile, when he tries too hard and his eyes squinch can see my scar a little better in this photo...but a little bit of makeup does wonders:-)

I love to kiss my little angel...and he lets me...I dread the day when he won't let me be soooo mushy with him...dreadingggggggggggg it...
My next blog will include photos of the arm immediately after I shot the commercial...the blog after that will include photos of the arm 2 days looks worse which I did not think was possible!!!
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
oxAuntie Beth/ Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

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