Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What a Beautiful Tuesday...and Our School Day with Molly:-)

I just got back from a late dinner with my friend Robert at my favorite restaurant, Miceli's. The waiters take turns singing at the piano while we eat. Mostly Broadway tunes, but I've heard Disney Classics and the Muppets:-)
Auntie KK and Auntie Meg went here with me when they visited Los Angeles 2 years ago.

Now, let's relax and go back to December 23rd, Molly's gingerbread house day. Annie & I came in to drop off some supplies and ended up staying for the rest of the school day!

Do you think Molly was happy to see us? Notice the dress and tights on Annie...she picked them out herself because she knew we were going to see Molly at school!
Annie wasn't trying to get away, just dizzy:-) Molly is a great big sister! I was just so delighted to see Molly's classroom, classmates and of course to bring Annie with me in her Dora dress...

I love this photo...Molly is always so open and joyous, and Annie usually won't give me a real smile if I ask for one...can't you feel the sisterlove coming off this photo?

Then it was time to go upstairs to have the 6th graders help Molly's class build gingerbread houses...Molly's house was creative and beautiful...and delicious I bet:-)

Molly never ceases to amaze me...once Molly knew she was done and that the house was pretty, she was happy...all the kids were trying to figure out how to get their gingerbread houses home in one piece-not sure how that could EVER happen-but Molly told me not to worry, that it was ok if her house broke now...what a cool kid!
Although Auntie Beth was not up to the challenge of having Annie make her own gingerbread house-a frosting debacle was foreseen-Annie did help Molly...at one point in the session, Annie (observed closely by Auntie Beth) was helping students at another table entirely...all Annie wanted was unbroken candy canes...and since she is so adorable, the kids went above and beyond to find them for her:-) I had to stop the count at 5 little unbroken candy canes or I'd never scrape Annie off the ceiling...
The girls in Molly's class swarmed Annie, trying to pick her up, hold her, play with her hair...to the point where Miss Kelly asked Annie if she was ok with all the attention:-) At one time there were at least 7 girls running around Annie...but then it was story time, and Molly put Annie in her lap so the hubbub would die down...I have never seen a kid get sooo much attention from so many other kids-it really was like Annie was a princess! look how natural Molly looks with her sister on her lap...
The final part of Molly's schoolday was a pizza party. One of Molly's classmates was absent, so Annie got her own desk area, complete with pizza and her sippy cup "just like a big girl"...the kids watched "Frosty the Snowman" and Annie seamlessly became part of the class...

I love to see moments of Annie when she doesn't know anyone is watching...precious, precious I tell you...
Molly was amazing with Annie, so very proud of her little sister and wanting to protect Annie and make sure she had fun...Thank you Molly for sharing your class with us that day...Annie & I had a great time!!!
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

1 comment:

  1. OMG - Beth - I love this post. Thank you so much for your thoughtful description and pictures of your time at Molly's school. I am usually the one behind the camera and enjoying the girls while I am at these events - I love the auntie perspective! Sometimes I wonder if those beautiful faces and the sisterly love aren't just a consequence of my mommy heart in overdrive but clearly you see it too! You are an amazing auntie - what lucky girls I have! I lvoe you!
