Sunday, January 10, 2010

Playdate Cancelled:-(

Hot on the heels of finding out my playdate Cyrus has a fever and can't go to see "The Princess and the Frog" with me today, I find out the girls in CT are going to "Princesses on Ice" without me...
Yes, Auntie Beth is in California working like crazy to get her life and apartment ready for tax season. Cyrus is the son of my tax clients, Polly & Ben...Cyrus and I met 3 years ago when I shared my Valentines candy from Mom with him at my old tax office...we've become fast friends and do 6-8 playdates a year, plus of course our annual tax appointment followed by a family dinner!
Cyrus turned 7 in October and is growing up far too fast for my liking:-) Once February hits, Auntie Beth will have no time for playdates, so Cyrus and I rescheduled for as soon as Sunday we are going to see "the Tooth Fairy" together...we are both very excited about this movie so we should have an absolute blast!
No photos yet but just blogging at all was a big step for Auntie Beth bear with me and love me anyway...
Shout out to Lucas on his 9th Birthday today...Auntie Beth loves you...I already called his mom's cell phone and left him a birthday song but still...HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY, LUCAS!!!

I love you lots, and I miss you more-

xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

1 comment:

  1. FINALLY! Is this what tax season is going to be like? No blogging for weeks at a time! I need my Bethie fix so keep it coming, lady! We miss you and love you!
