Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Haircut, Pilates Part Two and BEN!!!

Auntie Beth got a haircut today...if there is one thing that Auntie Beth does not like, it's too much hair! I hate hair on my neck, hate lots of hair I asked for it short short short!!!

I had just gotten back from pilates---my 2nd pilates session this week and I was so proud of myself!-- so my hair was a bit of a mess but you can see from the side how short I got it cut...can't wait to show you in person on Friday!!!

Upon entering the Grimm house, Ben greeted me without pants:-) His shirt was long enough that I did not notice at first, but rarely is this kid without pants, a shirt and socks unless it is was adorable!

Ben was running away from me so this is an action shot...apparently, Ben's new thing is to run from getting his photo taken...he does so with a gleeful squeal and laughter and a big smile of course!

I caught Ben on his way around the hall and through the kitchen...could he get any more beautiful? He gets those dimples from his Dad...Ben's Mom, Lurene, says Ben is a mini-Randal...I don't know if I'd go that far...but yes, those dimples are definitely from Daddy:-)

Notice the sign language lady on the screen behind my Godson...we watched that video 3 times tonight...I learned the sign language for all kinds of animals but my favorite was the kangaroo...Ben is squatting to get at my laundry bucket...

If only I could be so fascinated by my own laundry...Ben ran around with that grey shirt on top, throwing it on top of every chair in the living room...not sure what he was doing exactly but I think he was showing me his version of doing laundry...too cute:-)
I cannot wait to see my AnnieBoo and Kasey at the airport on Friday morning...and I'm serious when I say I am not leaving Molly's side all weekend, People...except of course when she goes to her Irish StepDancing event with Daddy on Friday and to Abby's party...but even then I'll be waiting for her at home when she gets plan accordingly and try to get on our schedule, My Beloveds...we are such busy girls:-)
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
oxoxAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Monday, April 19, 2010

Auntie Beth is UNSTOPPABLE!!!!!

Auntie Beth had a hard tax season but after sleeping for only one day after it was over, I am back in good shape! I slept on Friday...and on Saturday, I did all sorts of errands like the bank, the post office and the store. I also tried to return Annie's phone call but she was not available!

Today Sunday was a big day for Auntie Beth who was trying to get her life back to normal!

First, I went to my pilates class for the first time in 3 months...Molly, that's like when you go back to Irish StepDancing after you had the whole summer tiring the very first day...

Then I went to visit Ben and his parents--yipppeeeeeee!!!!!!!

Ben has discovered the joys of the sliding screen door...his Dad put a gate up to block the pool from the patio-the pool is to the right of Ben...Randal has done a really great job with the backyard, and Ben LOVES having Daddy around all day---"House" is currently on hiatus...
Ben's current passion is animals. He has a bucket of animal figures borrowed from a neighbor...we asked Ben to gather up his farm to bring inside because it got coldddddd...
Notice the sippy cup with Dora's buddy on it...Ben's hair is adorably wispy right now---his Mom left it that way so I could see it before she cut it, just in case she "messed it up"...her words!

Ben gave me an Annie smile...scrunched up nose, trying too hard, being adorable...the two of them would get along so well...what's 2800 miles between soulmates? :-P
Ben carefully places all of his barnyard friends in his bucket...and at other times, he'll hurl a zebra at me...go figure!
Now Ben's just showing off...strutting his stuff to my animal song...I make them up all the time...he seems to get it so I keep doing it...

The zebra, rhino and other animal on the table were carefully placed...Ben likes things just so...and then demands that I keep them that way...until he tosses a giraffe at me-joking:-)

Look at my little angel trying to give me his lamb....he's actually trying to get me to make the lamb sound...because he knows I stink at it...I'm not a good animal noise person...I try, I fail...oh well...but at least I put my heart into it!
Mom & Dad after a long day of running after a 23 month old dynamo...and tackling the two-person chores saved up until Randal goes on hiatus...
The Grimms are in love with Costco...
Randal spent Saturday putting together their new patio tent and table is gorgeous, the backyard is amazing...but who woulda thought Costco would carry all that?
The Grimms offered their home to us if Auntie TayTay and Megs want to sleep there instead of in my small one bedroom when they visit LA...Ben, Mom & Dad will be in Disneyworld, FL for that weekend---I am so bummed that my sisters won't get to meet Ben!!!
Auntie Beth and Ben...still holding his farm animals in a bucket...he is attached to those animals!

Auntie Beth watching Ben...I always smile when I watch you kids play:-)

Once he brought his bucket inside, Ben laid his animals out on the couch so Auntie Beth could make the animal noise as he handed them to me...Ben's favorite tonight? The alligator who kept trying to chomp my pretty pink toenails...Ben does a great chomping noise!!!

Next, Ben wanted me to hold his animals in my hands and keep them standing upright even as he added far too many for me to hold at once...yes it did not work, and yes Ben kept trying...

Mom told Ben to give her a big smile for the photo, and he gave it to me instead...I actually love this photo because I can see that Ben adores his Godmother...and I love my Benjamin!!!

This is by far Ben's favorite place to sit...the Grimms spent their money well when they bought this chase lounge chair...I had such a great time with my "family away from family" today...we ate out on the new patio setting, caught up on stuff we missed while we were all working so hard, made lots of animal noises together, watched Ben take a splishsplash and read books to our little man together...I am so blessed!
And in 6 days, I will be with you heart is bursting with joy...
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS