Saturday, August 29, 2009

I'm On It!

My niece Molly asked for details about my life in Los Angeles away from family and since she & her clan got me a great digital camera for my birthday, no excuses!
I'm off to figure out how to upload from the camera to the computer and from the computer to the blog, or maybe I can go directly from the camera to the blog? Yep, I've never had a digital camera before...THANK YOU Harding-Wheelers!!!
My sister KK also gave me this very cool revolving digital photo frame so I'm gonna get on that soon...perhaps I can get savvy enough to take photos from other family members' blogs and put them into the frame too...ok one step at a time...
I promise to provide an update everyday even if it is only one sentence...I love love love you all and miss miss miss you lots!!!
xoxoxoAuntie Beth, Bethie, Beppy

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