Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Auditions and Tax Season, oh my!!!

My commercial agent really wanted me to audition for a promo for a tv show...I normally don't because a tv show promo can run unlimitedly on NBC or CBS and I get just one flat rate of $400! But the casting director really wanted me to audition so I trooped over the hill to Sherman Oaks in the rain...during rush hour I might add...
This is a photo of me and my "son" Max...he is 13 and just started high school in a suburb of Los Angeles...great kid and we had fun...but again with the giving me a teenage kid...really? The other auditioning Moms were all in their mid-40s...

The session director took this photo of me but his count of 3 was off so he didn't snap until I looked away...but here's the type of photo they attach to my paperwork to show everybody what I looked like at the audition...sometimes headshots can be old so they try to take an on-the -spot shot as well...

and here is what Auntie Beth's living room looks like after she got her new laptop, updated her will, downloaded tax documents onto a harddrive for a safety deposit box...yes, that is Sarah Jessica Parker on my tv...the end of the "Sex And the City" movie...gotta love it!! Who ever thought I'd end up most like Samantha? Never saw that one coming:-)
I love you lots and I miss you more-
xoAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

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