Saturday, February 20, 2010

Best Valentine's Day EVER:-)

Ben and I always stay at the house and take walks around the neighborhood and watch Nick, what a delight to go out with him and his parents for Valentines dinner...our first trip out together:-)
Yes, Ben really was fascinated by the revolving sign at the mall...we had to wait 45 minutes for a table at the Wood Ranch Grill, so we walked around and visited the mall playscapes...

but Ben did not wait until he got to the actual playscapes...he saw this little girl running around and took off after her before we could stop him...
Here's Mom trying to catch him and Ben running toward Daddy who happened to be the loudest of us 3 adults asking him to come back...
Mom, Dad & Ben enjoying the scenery...Ben only stays up in your arms for so long...he makes sure you want him up there and then he squirms to be let down...I love how he just wants reassurance that the love and attention is available, then off he goes...At the bottom of the escalator was this store simply called Colin''s a womenswear store so our Colin would never own it but still....

a closer cool is that?
and then just around the corner near the playscape? A Kelly's...apparently the planners were thinking of Uncle Colin when they built this mall...

Dinner at Wood Ranch Grill was delicious...the Grimms treated Auntie Beth like a queen and paid for dinner...such a great Valentines Day, so full of love...Ben really likes playing with ice and the food was taking a while because the restaurant was so very first dinner out with Ben!!!
Impromptu shot of my friend Randal...we met in New York City in 1998,and I can't imagine life without him as my good friend...and I got Lurene out of the deal when they got together...and then my friendship with Randal has paid off in spades:-)

We went back to the Grimm house to watch "The Upside Down Show" after dinner...Ben curled right up next to me...I love how comfortable he is with me and how much he trusts never ceases to amaze me...we've got something very special!
Notice Auntie Beth's pink dress with flowers for Valentines Day...yep, I got dressed up for the best Valentines date I've ever had...BEN! And of course his parents...but BEN!!!
I am a very lucky lucky lady to have so many people I love and who love me in my life...that includes you:-)
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Night Out With Kevin on February 11th

My friend Kevin lived right down the hall from me for 9 years...but last spring, Kevin bought his own condo a few miles away...since then, we haven't seen each other nearly on Thursday night (February 11th) we did our fave thing-- going to Chin Chin restaurant on Sunset to partake of the orange chicken!
Kevin is a bit uptight about appearances so he felt unready for this photo to be taken...but I refused to take it again because I like unplanned photos best...on a separate note, the blackberry cell phone thingies make me crazy because everyone is always checking them...checking email throughout dinner? C'mon! This happened to be a work email so I gave Kevin a break!
As I said, Kevin cares about appearances more than I do, so this is me getting super frustrated because Kevin was telling me to fix my hair this way and that before he would even take the photo...give me a break:-)
Kevin was very annoyed by the flippy hair pointing outward on the side of my head...I told him to suck it up...
Chin Chin is a very cool little Chinese place in the Sunset can sit inside or outside and peopling watching is a fave past time as you eat...lots of people walk by!
we decided to sit outside to be closer to the people passing by...and away from the restrooms because Chin Chin is small and Auntie Beth won't sit anywhere in a restaurant where she can see the bathroom doors...

since it was the beginning of February, we partook of this strange California phenomena called patio heat lamps...all of these fixtures on the ceiling of the outdoor porch get very hot and keep you toasty even though you are enjoying a more open space...very cool, and not something you ever see in CT!
This was the table across from ours and was much prettier because noone had messed it up love love Chin Chin!
After our amazing orange chicken fiesta, Kevin and I headed to the Arclight cinemas to see a "Valentines Day" preview no avail because it was sold out:-( Don't worry, we just traveled down the street to The Grove theatres for "The Tooth Fairy" instead.
This little electric car was in the parking structure at Arclight and I was instantly giggling....these cars are becoming very popular in Los Angeles for local driving, but I had never seen one decorated so one point, Auntie Meg had a comforter that was pink and green so this car reminded me of her...
How creative are these ladies? They are like "Dog, the Bounty Hunter" except with lipstick:-)
I wanted to wait around and ask for a ride in this cute buggy, but that might've scared them, ya know? :-P

Auntie Beth is working away at taxes, helping 4 people every day except Sundays...I asked my clients to be more prepared this year, and my request seems to have helped. There is not as much stress for me, and I'm getting stuff done more quickly so I have some time for me...
but of course I am anxiously awaiting my relaxing weekend as Molly's BFF in April...and then my long Memorial Day weekend with the fam in when I have cool plans to think about...
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
oxxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Auditions and Tax Season, oh my!!!

My commercial agent really wanted me to audition for a promo for a tv show...I normally don't because a tv show promo can run unlimitedly on NBC or CBS and I get just one flat rate of $400! But the casting director really wanted me to audition so I trooped over the hill to Sherman Oaks in the rain...during rush hour I might add...
This is a photo of me and my "son" Max...he is 13 and just started high school in a suburb of Los Angeles...great kid and we had fun...but again with the giving me a teenage kid...really? The other auditioning Moms were all in their mid-40s...

The session director took this photo of me but his count of 3 was off so he didn't snap until I looked away...but here's the type of photo they attach to my paperwork to show everybody what I looked like at the audition...sometimes headshots can be old so they try to take an on-the -spot shot as well...

and here is what Auntie Beth's living room looks like after she got her new laptop, updated her will, downloaded tax documents onto a harddrive for a safety deposit box...yes, that is Sarah Jessica Parker on my tv...the end of the "Sex And the City" movie...gotta love it!! Who ever thought I'd end up most like Samantha? Never saw that one coming:-)
I love you lots and I miss you more-
xoAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

And The Taxes Begin:-P

Tuesday night...first tax client of the year, and then I was putting labels on my tax folders for the season...I will need 230 by the end of April!!
Although the picture is horrifying, it incredibly captures exactly how I felt about getting back on the long hours of work I had to add it to the blog...

I love you lots, and I miss you more-

oxxoAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

High Power Lawyer Type...

Auntie Beth had an audition for a power business was only a print audition, not on camera, but my hair looked fabu:-)

Here's my "don't mess with me" look...I'm so happy I'm not a lawyer anymore, because I don't like not giggling and not being outwardly joyful!

There's the Auntie Beth smile that she gets most often from thinking about her beautiful wonderful nieces & nephews!!!
I miss you guys like crazy, and I miss Grammy & Papa as well because I usually talk to them at least once a week...the lack of Bammy & Papa time is hard on me too over here in California:-)
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
oxoxAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Dreadfully Grey...

I wasn't kidding about the grey in my last on Monday at 4 am I dyed my hair...and covered my bathroom in specks of desert sunrise #15...oops...

but as you can see it made me happy...notice the eyebrows as well...very fancy over here in California:-)
I love you lots, and I miss you more-

xoxoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Saturday, January 30th...I'm Catching Up!!!

OK So Auntie Beth's eye was looking better, but her hair needed coloring desperately...

Another glorious playdate with Ben...we got home from our walk and I put him into his talking Elmo chair with some milk...and of course Nick, Jr...

Auntie Beth's camera skills were off...I had zoomed in and forgot to zoom out before I took this shot...but Ben gave me a smile and we are happy, so I included it here:-)

Yeah, his attention lasted about 5 seconds because Yo Yo Gaba Gaba was dancing...
That darn Gaba Gaba...notice the smutz on Ben's face...tubbytime was very soon so Auntie Beth let's him do his worst!

After much begging on my part, Ben finally paid attention to me and gave me a smile...that Elmo chair scares the crap out me...not gonna talks randomly...yikes!
I love you lots, I miss you more-
xoxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Here Ya Go, Miss Molly

Yes, it is 4:30 am, and yes I am still up researching tax issues, and yes I want to go to bed, but Molly has missed my blogging so I decided to take a fun break:-)

I am of course very behind in documenting my life...let's go back to Saturday January 23rd.

Here's Auntie Beth 10 days after the surgery above her eye...not too bad, huh? It does kinda look like someone took a car cigarette lighter to my eyebrow, but whatevs:-)

PLAYDATE WITH BEN...I've been lucky enough to spend the past 3 Saturdays with my Godson...alas, when the Upside Down Show is on, I cannot get his attention...but he sits still which makes picture taking easier...

I can always shower Ben with love and affection as he emotes based upon the brothers' activities on his fave Nick, Jr. show!
Auntie Beth announced that it was time for bed...and Ben decided that it was time for elephant snuggles...he loves this big stuffed toy...

I asked for a smile and I got one! The tv was off though, so I kinda cheated in getting his attention...
This was Ben's attempt at convincing me he could sleep in the living room..."see Auntie Beth, I'm already asleep, no need for my crib"...
Ben's room...he has two music machines in his crib...only one gives off enough light for his liking, but the other has better music so he turns both on...

How cute is my Godson????? I can't get enough of season is gonna make it rough to see him every week but I'm gonna work on it!!!
Molly-you asked for it and you got it...a blog just for you...and did your mom tell you about your special visitor for a weekend in April? Better clean your room for me:-) Yes, I'm still coming to CT in May for your recital are gonna get sick of me!
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
xo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS