Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Greetings From West Hollywood...Again...

I'm back in California...and the minute I got off the airplane, I got back to work!
I took a cab ride to my apartment, showered and hopped into Emmy...oh how I missed my car Emmy so much...then it was off to an audition for a feminine hygiene product-insert laugh here...
This is another office we haven't yet visited on this blog-the casting home of Lisa...Lisa is almost as cool as Auntie Lisa and she always remembers me when she's holding auditions...

When you walk through the door of the Casting Cafe there is actually a cafe...go figure...

Turn toward your left, and you have the sign-in area and the waiting room...most girls read or text while waiting their turn to audition...I of course took pictures instead...'cause Auntie Beth rocks like that...

Lisa was cool enough to let me take a photo inside the audition room to let you see more of what I do...
This is Ben who filmed my audition...I took this picture from the exact space I stood for the audition...the white paper is called a cue's always right next to the camera and lists the words we must say, just in case we forget the lines...
It was 72 degrees and gorgeous in West Hollywood so flip flops were in order...look at that beautiful shadow from all the sunshine above my head!!! If the audition did not require me to wear jeans, I would've worn shorts...gosh, I love California:-)
I was wearing a tank top and I was still too hot...
I do not miss the CT weather---windy, no sunshine---BUT I do miss my babies dreadfully...that includes all you kids, from Peter at age 9 to Reillyn at 10'll always be my babies:-)
Today, I got my very first stitches...9 of them which will probably leave my very first scar as well...a very exciting day in Auntie Beth land!!!
I AM FINE, I PROMISE...the doctor just wanted to remove a bumpy skin patch on my lower right rib cage...and I'm perfectly healthy & happy, all better except for the healing...
Phone calls and cards from my beloved never hurt though, wink wink!!!
I love you lots, and miss you more-
xooxxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

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