Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Computer Station...

Auntie Beth finally got her butt in gear and dyed her hair...there were just too many white hairs starting to show:-) Have you ever avoided a chore for a long time but when you finally did it, it seemed like no big deal?
I dyed my hair right before bed so here I am fresh out of the shower on Wednesday night...
Let's change subjects!
My tax clients can not believe that I have never shown you kids my keyboard and mouse...I keep forgetting to take photos of them and post them but finally here they are...
HELLO KITTY! Yep, my keyboard and mouse are Hello Kitty and are made for a little girl...I may not be little but I'm a girl...and they make me happy so I bought them right at the beginning of tax season in January...shall we take a closer look????

How cute is my keyboard with the Hello Kitty face and the purple keys? Notice how it says "Hello, Kitty" on the upper right side...and did you also note the multi-color stars on the pink outside part of the keyboard? Sooo fun:-)
My mouse may be the funnest part of all...that yellow gleam you see in the center of the mouse? That's really a flashing light which flashes in red, blue and green colors while I work...and the bottom blue part of the mouse? It's a blue liquid where Hello Kitty floats around in her bathtub...Hello Kitty taking a tubby is right under the bubble...and those words on the pink part of the mouse on top? "Hello Kitty" of course...see, everything matches!

Auntie Beth at her desk, happy to be in my Hello Kitty world! This all started because I had a Hello Kitty watering can sitting next to my printer, and everytime I looked at that Kitty face, I as soon as I saw this mouse and keyboard, I had to buy them.
The other day, the girl who punches me in the VW spot came over for her taxes...and her 3 year old Addy was competely fascinated with my computer area...yep, she kept trying to rescue "poor Miss Kitty" from being stuck inside my mouse all the time...too cute:-)
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
xoxoAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS

Sunday Playdate with Ben-SplishSplash

Ben calls bathtime splishsplash...and because Auntie Beth keeps calling it a tubby, thank you H-W kids, he is starting to understand me when I say "let's take a tubby"...I always correct myself and say "oops, I mean let's go splishsplash" but I never get it right the first time!
Notice the frog cover on the Ben doesn't hurt himself...

The entire bathroom is done in frogs...notice the lillypads on the shower curtain...and of course my cute Godson wondering what the heck Auntie Beth is doing...

Ben has many toys in the bathtub but Auntie Beth sprayed him with this ear suction device the first few times I did bath time with Ben, and now he grabs for it the minute I put him in the bathtub! Ben can now put the suction ball under the water, squeeze it until it fills with water and then spray me:-)

O.K., this is the smile I got in response to my request for one big smile and then I'd let him go back to playing good is my Ben??? This natural, huge, amazing smile the minute I asked for cup runneth over!
Yeah, you gotta take a closer look...amazing!!! And look at all those teeth...gotta admit they scare me a bit:-) Ben turns 2 today, May 21st...and I'm going to his birthday party on Saturday at 11 a.m. Randal's parents will be visiting from Montana, as well as Randal's brother & family from Las Vegas...can't wait!

I wasn't kidding about the frogs in the bathroom...look at the frog soap dispenser, the frog toothbrush holder...the frog handtowels...and the frog wastebasket which must be put up out of Ben's reach...although Ben has never been a "throw it away" toddler, he did throw his Mom's wedding ring away in the kitchen garbage a few months back...yikes!!!!

and finally, notice the frog handtowels behind me...and Auntie Beth's orange t-shirt said "rainbows make me happy"...because they do.

Ben's favorite thing to do is read and his favorite toys are animals, so we read alot of books about animals...can you believe it? Ben's mom, Lurene, left out pajamas for him and they happen to have rainforest frogs on keeping with our frog theme of this blog entry, I got Ben to put the book down, stand up, smile for the camera, and...
off he goes...laughing hysterically...took me 3 minutes to get him back into his room for his bedtime books...yep, he fooled me-he is almost 2 , you know:-)
I love you lots, and I miss you more-
xoxoAuntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKY

Friday, May 7, 2010

Let's Catch Up, Shall We?

Auntie Beth got back to CA from the H-W house in CT on Tuesday April 25th and promptly slept for a day...tried to sleep at KK's and then on the airplane but no such luck!
It also took a day to get my life back together in the laundry, pay the bills, all that grownup boring stuff...
On Thursday, I met with tax clients and their daughter Adeline gave me stickers...she loves animal stickers!

Auntie Beth with her animal stickers...I couldn't get the camera far enough away to get a better shot, but they looked magical!
Then I thought, why not send a kiss to my babies in CT? I had been 3 whole days already since I'd seen them, so they could use an Auntie Beth kiss!
This is for Molly because she loved my crazy look a few months back...
Right after this photo session, I began the task of cleaning up my apartment for the Friday night arrival of Auntie KK and Auntie Meg...I don't like cleaning!

The sisters 3 did not take many photos on this trip-we are definitely not as good as Kasey with remembering we have a camera-but here's Auntie Meg outside Jamba Juice at the West Hollywood Gateway shopping structure...lots of outdoor seating and sun...
and here's Auntie KK on the other side of me...KK loved Jamba Juice! Meghan really liked Baja Fresh, a mexican food place, which was also in the Auntie Beth was very proud that she could offer happiness to both sisters:-)
After eating/drinking/shopping, we went for manicure/pedicures at AllStar Nails...we all picked pinkish purple nail polish because great minds think alike:-)
Here's Auntie Meg and Auntie KK in the spa chairs...the chair masssages your back as your feet get a whirlpool massage...
I love Auntie Meg and Auntie KK but the one thing I couldn't embrace fully was their blackberry/ was always "checking my iphone" tax clients do it all the time too...see KK checking her iphone? Are you even supposed to do that near water?
Auntie Meg & Auntie KK left 2 days ago, and things are so different without them...but Auntie Beth has lots to do so she can come back in 4 weeks so I gotta get to work!
Love you lots, and miss you more-
oxxo Auntie Beth/Bethie/Beppy GBAKYS